【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups

開催期間:2024年9月6日(金) ~ 2024年9月10日(火)Exhibition : September 6 to September 10, 2024

販売方法につきましては、 こちらのページをご覧くださいませ。



出品予定作家 敬称略/五十音順
伊藤秀人 内田鋼一 隠﨑隆一 加藤亮太郎 金重巌 金重愫 金重有邦 小山智徳 島村光 鈴木都
高力芳照 新里明士 福永幾夫 藤平寧 堀一郎 正木春藏 松永圭太 丸田宗彦 丸田宗一廊 丸田雄  
見附正康 矢野直人 他 巨匠作家


Please check information page from here for sales.

Delicious tea and your favorite tea cups would make your tea time much more exquisite.
With the expectation to evolve the exhibition of "Choice Tea Cups" further, more than 20 artists are presenting their recent best works for this exhibition.

ITO Hidehito, UCHIDA Koichi, KAKUREZAKI Ryuichi, KATO Ryotaro, KANESHIGE Iwao, KANGESHIGE Makoto, KOYAMA Tomonori, SHIMAMURA Hikaru, SUZUKI Shu, TAKARIKI Yoshiteru, NIISATO Akio, FUKUNAGA Ikuo, FUJIHIRA Yasushi, HORI Ichiro, MASAKI Shunzo, MATSUNAGA Keita, MARUTA Munehiko, MARUTA Soichiro, MARUTA Yu, MITSUKE Masayasu, YANO Naoto
and more from great masters pieces.

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
近藤悠三 / KONDO Yuzo
松竹梅金彩煎茶碗 (五客組) / A set of 5 tea cups, Overglaze gold
9.5 / H5.5cm
共箱 / With a box signed by the artist
¥385,000(税込 / including tax)

伊藤秀人 / ITO Hidehito

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.1 白磁碗 / Tea cup, White porcelain
9.0 / H6.6cm
箱無 No box
売約済 / Sold

伊藤秀人 / ITO Hidehito

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.2 白磁碗 / Tea cup, White porcelain
9.0 / H6.6cm
箱無 No box
売約済 / Sold

内田鋼一 / UCHIDA Koichi

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.2 硝子釉線刻文湯呑 / Tea cup, Glass glaze with carving pattern
8.0 / H7.5cm
箱無 No box
売約済 / Sold

No.3 加彩湯呑 / Tea cup, White stoneware
8.0 / H6.5cm
箱無 No box
売約済 / Sold

内田鋼一 / UCHIDA Koichi

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.1-1 白磁筒湯呑 / Tea cup, White porcelain
7.0 / H8.8cm
箱無 No box
売約済 / Sold

No.5-1 White Bowl
9.4 / 8.8 / H6.0cm
箱無 No box
売約済 / Sold

隠﨑隆一 / KAKUREZAKI Ryuichi

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.1 黒縞湯呑 / Tea cup, Black plane
7.0 / H9.9cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

隠﨑隆一 / KAKUREZAKI Ryuichi

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.3 銀彩湯呑 / Tea cup, Silver glazed
7.3 / H9.8cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

No.2 織部湯呑 / Tea cup, Oribe
7.3 / H9.7cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

加藤 亮太郎 / KATO Ryotaro

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.1 古瀬戸湯呑 / Tea cup, Koseto
8.5 / H9.8cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

金重巌 / KANESHIGE Iwao

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.2 ヒダスキ湯呑 / Tea cup, Hidasuki
8.5 / H10.0cm
共箱 / with a box signed by the artist
¥8,800(税込 / including tax)

No.6 ヒダスキ湯呑 / Tea cup, Hidasuki
8.5 / 8.7 / H8.2cm
共箱 / with a box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

金重巌 / KANESHIGE Iwao

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.4 伊部湯呑 / Tea cup, Imbe
8.8 / 10.1cm
共箱 / with a box signed by the artist
¥8,800(税込 / including tax)

No.9 伊部湯呑 / Tea cup, Imbe
8.2 / H8.4cm
共箱 / with a box signed by the artist
¥8,800(税込 / including tax)

金重愫 / KANESHIGE Makoto

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.4 備前湯吞 / Tea cup, Bizen
7.0 / 7.5 / H9.5cm
共箱 / with a box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

金重愫 / KANESHIGE Makoto

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.9 備前湯吞 / Tea cup, Bizen
7.1 / H9.0cm
共箱 / with a box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

小山 智徳 / KOYAMA Tomonori

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.3 青織部七角湯呑 / Tea cup, Ao-oribe, Heptagonal shape
6.8 / H7.9cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥17,600(税込 / including tax)

No.4 青織部七角湯呑 / Tea cup, Ao-oribe, Heptagonal shape
7.0 / H7.8cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥17,600(税込 / including tax)

小山 智徳 / KOYAMA Tomonori

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.9 志野七角湯呑 / Tea cup, Shino, Heptagonal shape
7.0 / 6.6 / H7.8cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥17,600(税込 / including tax)

No.10 志野七角湯呑 / Tea cup, Shino, Heptagonal shape
6.7 / 6.3 / H7.9cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥17,600(税込 / including tax)

島村光 / SHIMAMURA Hikaru

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.1 備前湯碗 / Tea cup, Bizen
8.2 / H6.0cm
共箱 / with a box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

島村光 / SHIMAMURA Hikaru

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.2 備前湯碗 / Tea cup, Bizen
8.6 / 8.1 / H6.0cm
共箱 / with a box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

鈴木都 / SUZUKI Shu

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.1 紫志野湯呑 / Tea cup, Murasaki-Shino
7.1 / 7.3 / H8.1cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥16,500(税込 / including tax)

No.4 鼠志野湯呑 / Tea cup, Nezumi-Shino
7.1 / H8.0cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥16,500(税込 / including tax)

鈴木都 / SUZUKI Shu

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.3 紫志野湯呑 / Tea cup, Murasaki-Shino
7.3 / H8.3cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥16,500(税込 / including tax)

No.8 赤志野湯呑 / Tea cup, Aka-Shino0
7.0 / H7.4cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥16,500(税込 / including tax)

高力芳照 / TAKARIKI Yoshiteru

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.4 備前黒胡麻湯吞 / Tea cup, Bizen black sesame effect
7.7 / H9.0cm
共箱 / with a box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.2 備前窯変湯吞 / Tea cup. Bizen Yohen
7.6 / H8.4cm
共箱 / with a box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

高力芳照 / TAKARIKI Yoshiteru

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.5 備前玄欅湯吞 赤 / Tea cup, Gen-dasuki
9.2 / H8.2cm
共箱 / with a box signed by the artist
¥9,900(税込 / including tax)

No.10 備前火襷水玉湯吞 / Tea cup, Hidasuki, Polka dot design
7.9 / 8.7cm
共箱 / with a box signed by the artist
¥7,700(税込 / including tax)

福永幾夫 / FUKUNAGA Ikuo

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.1 色絵細密龍図湯盌 / Tea cup, Kutani, Dragon motif
5.7 / H6.9cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

福永幾夫 / FUKUNAGA Ikuo

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.2 色絵細密音符図湯盌 / Tea cup, Kutani, Musical note motif
6.0 / H8.0cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥154,000(税込 / including tax)

藤平 寧 / FUJIHIRA Yasushi

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.9 ゆわん / Yuwan
8.6 / H7.7cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥33,000(税込 / including tax)

No.3 ゆわん / Yuwan
9.1 / 8.3 / H6.5cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

藤平 寧 / FUJIHIRA Yasushi

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.6 ゆわん / Yuwan
8.5 / 8.1 / H7.5cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥33,000(税込 / including tax)

No.2 ゆわん / Yuwan
8.0 / H7.4cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥33,000(税込 / including tax)

堀一郎 / HORI Ichiro

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.1 志野湯吞 / Tea cup, Shino
7.0 / H8.8cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥38,500(税込 / including tax)

堀一郎 / HORI Ichiro

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.4 鼡志野湯呑 / Tea cup, Nezumi-shino
6.9 / H9.0cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥38,500(税込 / including tax)

No.3 志野湯吞 / Tea cup, Shino
6.9 / H8.6cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥38,500(税込 / including tax)

正木 春蔵 / MASAKI Shunzo

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.D1 倣祥端湯碗 / Tea cup, Good omen motif
8.5 / H7.1cm
箱無 No box
¥16,500(税込 / including tax)

No.C1 倣祥端湯碗 / Tea cup, Good omen motif
8.8 / H7.2cm
箱無 No box
¥16,500(税込 / including tax)

正木 春蔵 / MASAKI Shunzo

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.A2 倣祥端湯碗 / Tea cup, Good omen motif
9.0 / H7.4cm
箱無 No box
¥16,500(税込 / including tax)

No.B1 倣祥端湯碗 / Tea cup, Good omen motif
8.5 / H7.4cm
箱無 No box
¥16,500(税込 / including tax)

松永圭太 / MATSUNAGA Keita

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.1 Void / Tea cup, Void
9.7 / H8.0cm
箱無 No box
¥13,200(税込 / including tax)

No.3 Void / Tea cup, Void
9.5 / H8.0cm
箱無 No box
売約済 / Sold

松永圭太 / MATSUNAGA Keita

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.5 脈脈 / Tea cup, Myaku Myaku
7.8 / 6.9 / H8.5cm
箱無 No box
¥11,000(税込 / including tax)

No.8 転写湯呑 / Tea cup, transferred pattern
6.7 / H6.5cm
箱無 No box
¥8,800(税込 / including tax)

丸田 宗彦 / MARUTA Munehiko

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.13 絵唐津四方湯呑 / Squared Tea cup, E-karatsu
6.7 / H8.2cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥27,500(税込 / including tax)

No.12 斑唐津湯呑 / Tea cup, Madara-karatsu
7.6 / H9.0cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

丸田 宗彦 / MARUTA Munehiko

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.14 刷毛目湯呑 / Tea cup, Hakeme
7.1 / 6.6 / H9.0cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

No.15 粉引唐津湯呑 / Tea cup, Kohiki-karatsu
6.0 / H8.0cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

丸田 宗一廊 / MARUTA Soichiro

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.1 染つけ湯盌 / Tea cup, Sometsuke
9.2 / H8.0cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥33,000(税込 / including tax)

No.2 染つけ湯盌 / Tea cup, Sometsuke
8.5 / H8.4cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥27,500(税込 / including tax)

丸田 宗一廊 / MARUTA Soichiro

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.5 染つけ六角湯呑 / Tea cup, Sometsuke, Hexagonal shape
5.0 / 5.9 / H7.7cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥15,400(税込 / including tax)

No.7 染つけ五角湯呑 / Tea cup, Sometsuke, Pentagonal shape
5.1 / H7.5cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

丸田 雄 / MARUTA Yu

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.4 唐津白湯呑 / Tea cup, Karatsu-shiro
10.1 / 9.5 / H7.1cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥11,000(税込 / including tax)

No.5 唐津窯変湯呑 / Tea cup, Karatsu-Yohen
10.7 / 9.2 / H6.3cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

丸田 雄 / MARUTA Yu

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.6 絵唐津湯呑 / Tea cup, E-Karatsu
7.2 / 6.5 / H8.7cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥11,000(税込 / including tax)

No.8 絵唐津湯呑 / Tea cup, E-Karatsu
5.7 / H8.0cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

矢野直人 / YANO Naoto

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.6 粉引湯呑 / Tea cup, Kohiki
8.0 / H7.4cm
箱無 No box
¥11,000(税込 / including tax)

矢野直人 / YANO Naoto

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.4 粉引湯呑 / Tea cup, Kohiki
8.1 / H6.5cm
箱無 No box
¥11,000(税込 / including tax)

新里明士 / NIISATO Akio

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.1 光器 細ツツ / Luminescent vessels, small cylinder
7.4 / 6.2 / H7.7cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

新里明士 / NIISATO Akio

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.3 光器 細ツツ / Luminescent vessels, small cylinder
7.1 / 6.2 / H7.7cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

見附正康 / MITSUKE Masayasu

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.1 赤絵細描小紋湯呑 / Tea cup, Akae, Fine line pattern
6.5 / H7.6cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

*This work will be sold by lottery.

見附正康 / MITSUKE Masayasu

【極上の湯盌展】Exhibition of Choice Tea Cups
No.2 赤絵細描花瓔珞皿付湯呑 / Tea cup with saucer, Akae, Fine line pattern
湯呑:6.9 / H6.1cm
皿:9.7 / H1.4cm
お箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
※ 作品の詳細等のお問い合わせ、ご予約等はしぶや黒田陶苑までご連絡ください。
※ 写真掲載外にも多数出品作品がございます。
※ Please also note that items may be sold at the gallery. If you have any inquiries please contact us.
電話 :03-3499-3225  E-mail :info@kurodatoen.co.jp