黄地紅彩金襴手富貴長春牡丹文飾壷 Vessel, Overglaze red and gold on yellow body, Peony motif with kanji characters
中国の景徳鎮で嘉靖年間(1522 ~ 66 年)に制作された黄地紅彩がある。
黄地紅彩は大変難しくすで に失われた技法と言われていた。
本作品はその黄地紅彩と金箔を用いた金襴手を合わせて土師萌先生 が創作した作品である。
壷の上下は連続の花 文繋ぎとしている。
昭和35年 9月に開催された日本伝統工芸展に出展された作品である。
There is works called “黄地紅彩”, overglaze painting in red on yellow ground, produced Chia-ching (嘉靖) period of the Ming Dynasty in China, 1522 - 1566, which is very difficult and said to decline. He also succeeded reproducing this technique, and this is the artwork with gold brocade on that technique.
A series of floral patterns are placed on the top and bottom of the jar, and in the center, peony arabesques are arranged in gold leaf between the four- Chinese characters “冨貴長春”. You can see a series of floral motifs on top and bottom of the jar as well, of which petals and veins of the leaves are carved in lines.
This work was exhibited at the Japan Traditional Crafts Exhibition held in September 1960.
黄地紅彩は大変難しくすで に失われた技法と言われていた。
本作品はその黄地紅彩と金箔を用いた金襴手を合わせて土師萌先生 が創作した作品である。
壷の上下は連続の花 文繋ぎとしている。
昭和35年 9月に開催された日本伝統工芸展に出展された作品である。
There is works called “黄地紅彩”, overglaze painting in red on yellow ground, produced Chia-ching (嘉靖) period of the Ming Dynasty in China, 1522 - 1566, which is very difficult and said to decline. He also succeeded reproducing this technique, and this is the artwork with gold brocade on that technique.
A series of floral patterns are placed on the top and bottom of the jar, and in the center, peony arabesques are arranged in gold leaf between the four- Chinese characters “冨貴長春”. You can see a series of floral motifs on top and bottom of the jar as well, of which petals and veins of the leaves are carved in lines.
This work was exhibited at the Japan Traditional Crafts Exhibition held in September 1960.
お問合せ番号 No.HK-6
共箱 / with box signed by the artist
お問合せください / Please inquire for price
1999年東京国立近代美術館『近代陶芸の精華 加藤土師萌展』出展作品
共箱 / with box signed by the artist
お問合せください / Please inquire for price
1999年東京国立近代美術館『近代陶芸の精華 加藤土師萌展』出展作品