和仁 栄幸WANI Eiko
陶歴/ History
1944年 広島県に生まれる1967年 金重陶陽に入門、陶陽没後、金重道明に師事、金重素山に薫陶を受ける
1975年 独立
1977年 「金重一門展」に出品
1999年 田部美術館「茶の湯の造形展」大賞受賞
1944 Born in Hiroshima.
1967 Became a disciple of Toyo Kaneshige. After Toyo died, he studied under Michiaki Kaneshige and Sozan Kaneshige.
1975 Became independent.
1977 Joined the exhibition of the Kaneshige family.
1999 Won the grand prize at the Chano-yu (Tea Ceremony) Exhibition at the Tanabe Museum of Art.
1967 Became a disciple of Toyo Kaneshige. After Toyo died, he studied under Michiaki Kaneshige and Sozan Kaneshige.
1975 Became independent.
1977 Joined the exhibition of the Kaneshige family.
1999 Won the grand prize at the Chano-yu (Tea Ceremony) Exhibition at the Tanabe Museum of Art.