林 恭助HAYASHI Kyosuke
陶歴/ History
1962年 岐阜県土岐市に生まれる1987年 土岐市立陶磁器試験場研修課程を修了。
1989年 加藤孝造氏に師事。
1996年 社団法人日本工芸会正会員となる。
1997年 土岐市隠居山に陶房と窯を築き、開窯する。
2010年 岐阜県芸術文化奨励賞受賞
2011年 社団法人美濃陶芸協会4代目会長に就任。
1962 Born in Toki, Gifu
1987 Finished studying at Toki Ceramic research center
1989 Studies under KATO Kozo
1996 Become a member of Japan Kogei Society
1997 Established his studio and built a kiln at Inkyo-yama, Toki-city
2010 Awarded a art and culture encouraging award of Gifu
2011 Become the 4th president of Mino ceramic association
1987 Finished studying at Toki Ceramic research center
1989 Studies under KATO Kozo
1996 Become a member of Japan Kogei Society
1997 Established his studio and built a kiln at Inkyo-yama, Toki-city
2010 Awarded a art and culture encouraging award of Gifu
2011 Become the 4th president of Mino ceramic association