柴田一佐衛門SHIBATA Ichizaemon

陶歴/ History

1953 岐阜県多治見市、五代目加藤幸兵衛の孫として生れる。 本名 柴田幸宏
1976 武蔵野美術大学工芸工業学科を卒業する
1977 日本陶磁器デザインコンペティション、金賞を受賞
1980 渡米、ニューヨークにスタジオを持ち、アートジュエリーを制作
1990  帰国。陶芸を再びはじめ西洋文化と東洋の美の融合の検証を始める
1991~ 重要無形文化財、故 加藤卓男氏に指導を受ける
1992~1996 岐阜県伊深正眼寺にて禅を学ぶ
1994  大阪高島屋にて個展「飛天のごとく」開催、以後毎年各地にて作品を発表
1994~ 有馬頼底管長猊下(金閣寺、銀閣寺住職)に茶陶の教えを受ける
1999 京都銀閣寺個展、二彩大鉢が銀閣寺お蔵入りになる
2005 茶道遠州流家元、小堀宗実氏の直門となる
2008 CBCクラブの会員になる
2010 東京国立博物館名誉館員林屋晴三氏より薫陶を受ける
2011 伊勢神宮に茶碗を献納する
2013 しぶや黒田陶苑 にて個展
2014 しぶや黒田陶苑 にて個展
1953 Born a grandson of KATO Kozo the fifth in Tajimi, Gifu. The given name is SHIBATA Yukihiro.
1976 Graduated from Musashino Art University, majoring in Industrial Design.
1977 Won a gold prize at Japan Ceramic Design Competition
1980~ Started his career as an art jewelry designer at Manhattan, New York.
   His jewelry was on the covers of fashion magazines such as Vogue, ELLE, and also used in TV commercials of Revlon and L'Oréal. Designed for Paris Collections Autumn/Winter. Three items was introduced to New York City Museum of Art.
1990  Coming back to Japan, started to make pottery, examining the unity of beauty of Western and Oriental culture.
1991~ Studied under KATO Takuya, an Important Intangible Cultural Properties.
1992~1996 Learned ZEN at Shogenji Temple in Gifu.
1994 Held his solo exhibition at Osaka Takashimaya as his starting career as a potter.
1994~ Learned Tea Ceremony from ARIMA Raitei, the priest of Kinkakuji Temple and Ginkakuji Temple
1999  The two-colored bowls exhibited at the exhibition of Kyoto Ginkakuji Temple became one of the permanent collections of theirs.
   ARIMA Raitei named him “Ichizaemon”
2005 Become an apprentice of KOBORI Sojitsu, the master of Enshu’s Tea Ceremony
    Received the guidance by SUZUKI Kura, the Important Intangible Cultural Properties.
2008  Received guidance by TODA Hiroshi, owner of Tanimatsuya Toda Shoten, the traditional art gallery since becoming a purveyor to MATSUDAIRA Harusato, the feudal lord of Matsue in 17th century.
2010 Learned from HAYASHIYA Seizo, a honorary member of Tokyo National Museum.
2011 Contributed his tea bowl to Ise Grand Shrine.
2013 Solo exhibition at Shibuya Kurodatoen
2014 Solo exhibition at Shibuya Kurodatoen

柴田一佐衛門 作品一覧