三輪 壽雪(十一代休雪)MIWA Jusetsu, Kyusetsu XI
陶歴/ History
1910年 山口県萩市椿東無田ヶ原に三輪窯九代雪堂の三男として生まれる(本名 節夫)1941年 三重県津市千歳山窯で川喜田半泥子に師事
1955年 この年陶号を「休」と称し、対外出品活動を始め、9月通産省「全日本産業工業展」に入選し、選抜されてアメリカへ出陳される
1957年 第四回「日本伝統工芸展」初入選(以後第20回まで連続)
1960年 日本工芸会正会員となる
1967年 十代休雪隠居して休和と号し、十一代休雪を襲名する
1972年 日本工芸会理事となる
1976年 紫綬褒章受章
1979年 山口県立美術館顧問
1982年 勲四等瑞宝章受章
1983年 重要無形文化財(萩焼)保持者(人間国宝)に認定される
1990年 勲四等旭日小綬章受賞
2002年 萩市名誉市民に推挙される
2003年 壽雪と改名し、長男龍作が十二代休雪を襲名する
2004年 日本陶磁協会制定五十年記念賞受賞
2006年 「萩焼の造形美 人間国宝 三輪壽雪の世界展」(東京国立近代美術館工芸館、山口県立萩美術館・ 浦上記念館などを2007年にかけて巡回)
1910 Born in Hagi, Yamaguchi, as a third sun of 9th Setsudo of Miwa Kiln.
Studied under his elder brother, the 10th Kyusetsu (Kyuwa Miwa).
1941 Studied under Kawakita Handeishi at Chitose Kiln at Mie Prefecture.
1957 Won a prize at "the 4th Japan traditional craft Award", and keep awarded until the 20th.
1967 Succeeded his family name "Kyusetsu Miwa".
1976 Received the Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon.
1982 Received the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
1983 Selected as a Living National Treasure for his Hagi work.
1990 Received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette
2003 Announced himself as "Jusetsu Miwa", and his first sun Ryusaku succeeded to the 12th Kyusetu.
Studied under his elder brother, the 10th Kyusetsu (Kyuwa Miwa).
1941 Studied under Kawakita Handeishi at Chitose Kiln at Mie Prefecture.
1957 Won a prize at "the 4th Japan traditional craft Award", and keep awarded until the 20th.
1967 Succeeded his family name "Kyusetsu Miwa".
1976 Received the Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon.
1982 Received the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
1983 Selected as a Living National Treasure for his Hagi work.
1990 Received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette
2003 Announced himself as "Jusetsu Miwa", and his first sun Ryusaku succeeded to the 12th Kyusetu.