鎌田 克慈KAMATA Katsuji
陶歴/ History
1977年 東京都三鷹市生まれ2000年 東北芸術工科大学 芸術学部 美術科 工芸コース卒業
2000年 石川県立輪島漆芸技術研修所きゅう漆科入学、塗師・赤木明登氏に師事
2003年 石川県立輪島漆芸技術研修所 きゅう漆科卒業
2004年 年季明け(弟子が終わる)
2005年 御礼奉公
2006年 独立し、以降当苑含め各地で個展開催
1977 Born in Mitaka, Tokyo
2000 Graduated from Crafts Design, Art Department, Tohoku University of Art and Design
2000 Entered the department of Lacquer painting, Ishikawa Prefectual Wajima Institute of Lacquer Arts, and studied under Mr. Akagi Akito
2003 Graduated from the department of Lacquer painting, Ishikawa Prefectual Wajima Institute of Urushi Arts
2004 Finished studying under Mr. Akagi Akito and service for him for a year
2006 Became independent
2000 Graduated from Crafts Design, Art Department, Tohoku University of Art and Design
2000 Entered the department of Lacquer painting, Ishikawa Prefectual Wajima Institute of Lacquer Arts, and studied under Mr. Akagi Akito
2003 Graduated from the department of Lacquer painting, Ishikawa Prefectual Wajima Institute of Urushi Arts
2004 Finished studying under Mr. Akagi Akito and service for him for a year
2006 Became independent