北大路 魯山人KITAOJI Rosanjin
The lessons to be learned from Rosanjin's works are boundless. From the selection of materials and mastery of form and color to the unique atmosphere that radiates from each piece, he achieved an artistry that only he could accomplish.
The grand artist Rosanjin left an impressive legacy of masterpieces across a wide array of disciplines, including seal carving, calligraphy, painting, ceramics, and lacquerware. His inexpressible artistic vision, beyond words and forms, will continue to captivate us for generations to come.
陶歴/ History
1883年 京都上賀茂神社の社家北大路清操の二男として上賀茂に生まれる本名は房次郎。生後すぐに養子に出され、転々とする
1888年 福田武造の養子となる
1893年 上京区の梅屋尋常小学校を卒業
1905年 岡本可亭に師事して書、版下、篆刻で独立。その後、長浜、京都、金沢と食客生活を送る
1919年 同郷の中村竹四郎(後の便利堂社長)と京橋で大雅堂藝術店を共同で経営する
1925年 赤坂山王台に「星岡茶寮」設立。魯山人はここを舞台として美食家、また陶芸家の天才として、一躍時の人となる
1936年 茶寮を追われた後、神奈川県大船山崎の広壮な自邸と1926年以来設けた窯場にこもって作陶生活を送る
1954年 ロックフェラー財団の招きで渡米、帰途ヨーロッパを巡遊。各地で作陶展を催し国際的に名声を博す
1955年 文化財保護委員会の小山冨士夫技官を通じ、織部焼の技術で国の重要無形文化財保持者の申し出があるが断る
1959年 76歳で死去
KITAOJI, Rosanjin (1883-1959)
1883 He was born in Kyoto, as the second son of the priest of Kamigamo Shrine. His given name was Fusajiro.
1888 He as adopted several times, and finally become a child of Fukuda Takezo in low.
1893 After graduating from elementary school, he started to work and show his talent in Chinese Calligraphy.
1905 Studied under Okamoto Katei , and become independent with calligraphy, paste up, and seal-engraving skills.
1919 He managed the Taigado Art Retailer with his friend Takeshiro Nakamura, where Kyobashi Rokeian (a brunch of Shibuya Kurodatoen).
1921 He founded the "Bishoku Club”(Gourmet Club).
1925 The Bishoku club became a private restaurant, the "Hoshigaoka-saryo ".
1955 He was selected as a Living National Treasure for his Oribe work, but he declined.
1883 He was born in Kyoto, as the second son of the priest of Kamigamo Shrine. His given name was Fusajiro.
1888 He as adopted several times, and finally become a child of Fukuda Takezo in low.
1893 After graduating from elementary school, he started to work and show his talent in Chinese Calligraphy.
1905 Studied under Okamoto Katei , and become independent with calligraphy, paste up, and seal-engraving skills.
1919 He managed the Taigado Art Retailer with his friend Takeshiro Nakamura, where Kyobashi Rokeian (a brunch of Shibuya Kurodatoen).
1921 He founded the "Bishoku Club”(Gourmet Club).
1925 The Bishoku club became a private restaurant, the "Hoshigaoka-saryo ".
1955 He was selected as a Living National Treasure for his Oribe work, but he declined.