三輪 休和(十代休雪)MIWA Kyuwa, Kyusetsu X
陶歴/ History
1895年 山口県阿武郡に、旧萩藩御用窯三輪家九代雪堂の二男として生まれる1911年 江戸千家流の茶道、宝生流謡曲の稽古を始める
1927年 父の隠居に際し、三輪窯十代を継承して休雪と号す
1942年 川喜田半泥子・荒川豊藏・金重陶陽と「からひね会」を結成する
1943年 技術保存法指定作品山口県認定委員を命ぜられ技術保存法による指定を受ける
1954年 表千家山口県支部が結成され、理事に推挙される
1956年 山口県指定無形文化財萩焼保持者に認定
1957年 山口県陶芸協会が創設され会長に推挙される
1961年 中国新聞社より中国文化賞を受ける
1965年 「休雪古希の会」が開催され、記念作品として茶碗を天皇陛下に献上する
1967年 隠居して「休和」と号す。紫綬褒章を授けられる
1970年 重要無形文化財萩焼保持者として認定される
1972年 萩市名誉市民に推挙される
1973年 勲四等に叙せられ旭日小綬章を授けられる
1974年 迎賓館別館茶室「茶碗」買上
1981年 86歳で死去
1895 Born the second son of the MIWA Setsudo the 9th (traditional ceramic family under imperial domain).
1911 Started to take tea lessons under Edo-senke (one of the tea schools) and Youkyoku (noh song) under Hoshou-ryu (second biggest noh family).
1927 On the occasion of his father's retirement, he took over Miwa kiln and named himself Kyusetsu X.
1942 Organized a meeting that is called Karahine with KAWAKITA Handeishi, ARAKAWA Toyozo, and KANESHIGE Toyo.
1943 Appointed as a member of the board of Conservation Arts and Crafts in Yamaguchi prefecture.
1954 Recommended as an administration officer at Omote-senke (one of the major tea schools), Yamaguchi branch.
1956 Selected as an Important Intangible Cultural Asset of Yamaguchi.
1957 Recommended as a board chairman in the Yamaguchi Ceramic Association. He became a regular member at Japanese Traditional Arts and Crafts in the same year.
1961 Won the Chugoku region Culture Prize by The Chugoku Shimbun Co., Ltd.
1965 Created an unique tea bowl and offered it to the emperor in commemoration of “Kyusetsu kokyu no kai” (turning 70 years old).
1967 Retired and named himself Kyuwa and won the Purple Ribbon Medal.
1970 Designated as Intangible Cultural Asset as a holder of Hagi Ware Techniques.
1972 Recommended as an honorary citizen of Hagi city.
1973 Won the Order of the Rising Sun.
1974 Acquired the tea bowl by Japanese Style Annex, Yushintei of The State Guest Houses.
1981 Passed away at the age of 86.
1911 Started to take tea lessons under Edo-senke (one of the tea schools) and Youkyoku (noh song) under Hoshou-ryu (second biggest noh family).
1927 On the occasion of his father's retirement, he took over Miwa kiln and named himself Kyusetsu X.
1942 Organized a meeting that is called Karahine with KAWAKITA Handeishi, ARAKAWA Toyozo, and KANESHIGE Toyo.
1943 Appointed as a member of the board of Conservation Arts and Crafts in Yamaguchi prefecture.
1954 Recommended as an administration officer at Omote-senke (one of the major tea schools), Yamaguchi branch.
1956 Selected as an Important Intangible Cultural Asset of Yamaguchi.
1957 Recommended as a board chairman in the Yamaguchi Ceramic Association. He became a regular member at Japanese Traditional Arts and Crafts in the same year.
1961 Won the Chugoku region Culture Prize by The Chugoku Shimbun Co., Ltd.
1965 Created an unique tea bowl and offered it to the emperor in commemoration of “Kyusetsu kokyu no kai” (turning 70 years old).
1967 Retired and named himself Kyuwa and won the Purple Ribbon Medal.
1970 Designated as Intangible Cultural Asset as a holder of Hagi Ware Techniques.
1972 Recommended as an honorary citizen of Hagi city.
1973 Won the Order of the Rising Sun.
1974 Acquired the tea bowl by Japanese Style Annex, Yushintei of The State Guest Houses.
1981 Passed away at the age of 86.