松永 圭太MATSUNAGA Keita
陶歴/ History
1986年 岐阜県多治見市生まれ2010年 名城大学建築学科 卒業
2013年 多治見市陶磁器意匠研究所 修了
2014年 第70回金沢市工芸展 金沢市長奨励賞
第10回国際陶磁器展美濃 入選
伊丹国際クラフト展 奨励賞 (光陽社賞)
2015年 第23回日本陶芸展 入選
第6回 菊池ビエンナーレ 展 入選
2016年 金沢卯辰山工芸工房 修了
第72回金沢市工芸展 金沢市工芸協会会長奨励賞
2017年 第11回国際陶磁器展美濃 入選
1986 Born in Tajimi, Gifu prefecture
2010 Graduated from Meijo University, majored in Architecture
2013 Graduated from Tajimi City Pottery Design And Technical Center
2014 Received an Encouragement Award at 70th Exhibition of Kanazawa Craft Council
Selected for the International Ceramics Festivals '14 Mino
Received the Award for Promising Talent (Koyosha Award) at Itami International Craft Exhibition
2015 Selected for the 23rd Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition
Selected for the 6th Kikuchi Biennale
2016 Graduated from Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo
Received the Encouragement Award at the 72nd Kanazawa Craft Council Exhibition
2017 Selected for the International Ceramics Festivals '17 Mino
Works in Tajimi and Kani, Gifu
1986 Born in Tajimi, Gifu prefecture
2010 Graduated from Meijo University, majored in Architecture
2013 Graduated from Tajimi City Pottery Design And Technical Center
2014 Received an Encouragement Award at 70th Exhibition of Kanazawa Craft Council
Selected for the International Ceramics Festivals '14 Mino
Received the Award for Promising Talent (Koyosha Award) at Itami International Craft Exhibition
2015 Selected for the 23rd Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition
Selected for the 6th Kikuchi Biennale
2016 Graduated from Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo
Received the Encouragement Award at the 72nd Kanazawa Craft Council Exhibition
2017 Selected for the International Ceramics Festivals '17 Mino
Works in Tajimi and Kani, Gifu