岡部 嶺男OKABE Mineo
陶歴/ History
1919年 瀬戸市窯神山に生まれる1932年 愛知県立瀬戸窯業学校に入学
1939年 昭和12年頃習作した灰釉瓶子を含む多数の自作が古瀬戸として
1949年 岡部辰子と結婚
1955年 第一回陶磁協会賞受章
1963年 愛知県愛知郡日進町に新居を構える
1968年 日進町の住居にアトリエが完成
1969年 青瓷花瓶の一対を焼成、宮内庁の新宮殿正殿梅の間に納める
1971年 芝木好子が嶺男をモデルにした「青磁砧」を『群像』に発表する
1990年 肺がんによる呼吸不全のため70歳で死去
2007年 「青磁を極める―岡部嶺男展―」
2008年 当苑にて「壷愁 岡部嶺男展」開催
1919 Born in Seto City, Aich prefecture.
1932 He entered Yogyo (ceramic industry) Vocational Training Institute of Aich Prefecture.
1939 He got involved in a scandal that is called “Einin-no-tsubo” (Jars that were made in Einin period)
1955 He won the 1st Ceramic Institute prize.
1968 He built his home studio in Nisshin Town.
1969 He made a pair of celadon flower vases and gave them to the Imperial Household Agency.
His Exhibitions are continuously held still now.
An exhibition of OKABE Mineo was held around Tokyo, Nagoya, Gifu, Hyogo, and Ibaraki during 2007. Another exhibition was held at the Tokyo Art Fair and also our gallery space (both were produced by us) in the spring of 2008.
1932 He entered Yogyo (ceramic industry) Vocational Training Institute of Aich Prefecture.
1939 He got involved in a scandal that is called “Einin-no-tsubo” (Jars that were made in Einin period)
1955 He won the 1st Ceramic Institute prize.
1968 He built his home studio in Nisshin Town.
1969 He made a pair of celadon flower vases and gave them to the Imperial Household Agency.
His Exhibitions are continuously held still now.
An exhibition of OKABE Mineo was held around Tokyo, Nagoya, Gifu, Hyogo, and Ibaraki during 2007. Another exhibition was held at the Tokyo Art Fair and also our gallery space (both were produced by us) in the spring of 2008.