直木 美佐NAOKI Misa

陶歴/ History

1947年 静岡県生
1967年 叔父 江川拙斎、父 直木友次良に師事
1981年 鎌倉にて築窯
1982年 この頃より当苑などで父子展、個展開催
2007年 しぶや黒田陶苑にて個展
1947  Born in Shizuoka.
1967  Studied Japanese traditional painting under her father Tomojiro, who was a painter and a ceramic artist, and her uncle, EGAWA Sessai, who was one of foremost painters in Japan.
1981  Established her own kiln in Kamakura, Kanagawa.
1982  Held an individual exhibition at Shibuya Kurodatoen.
2007  Held an individual exhibition at Shibuya Kurodatoen.
     Since then she continuously exhibits her Chawan and Guinomi at yearly exhibition.

直木 美佐 作品一覧