中里 無庵NAKAZATO Muan
陶歴/ History
1895年 唐津焼十一代中里太郎右衛門(天祐)の二男として佐賀県松浦郡唐津に生まれる本名は重雄
1914年 有田工業学校卒業
1927年 十二代中里太郎右衛門を襲名
1937年 川喜田半泥子の千歳山窯で作陶
1940年 伊万里市松浦町藤の川内茅の谷窯の発掘調査を最後に古窯址の調査を終了
1955年 文部省文化財保護委員会より唐津焼の無形文化財に認定される
1957年 日本工芸会九州支部長代理に就任
1965年 御茶碗窯の一隅割竹式登り窯を築く
1966年 唐津市より市政功労者に推される。紫綬褒章を授章
1969年 勲四等瑞宝章を授章。京都大徳寺にて得度し、号無庵を受ける
1971年 「日本陶芸展」に推薦招待出品(以後、連続して出品)
1973年 韓国ソウル市の「中里太郎衛門父子展」に出品
1976年 唐津焼の重要無形文化財保持者に認定される
1985年 90歳で逝去
Nakazato, Muan
1895 Born as the second son of the 11th Taroemon Nakazato in Karatsu, Saga.
1914 Graduated from Arita School of Technology.
1927 Succeeded the name, Taroemon Nakazato the 12th
1937 Made some pieces at the Chitose kiln of Handeishi Kawakita.
1940 Ended ordinary excavation at Fujinokouchi, Imari City.
1955 Selected as in Important Intangible Cultural Asset of Karatsu ware.
1957 Became a deputy general manager at Japanese Traditional Arts and Crafts.
1965 Established a nobori-gama (rising kiln) in Ochawan-gama (an ancient place for the government kiln).
1969 Won the Purple Ribbon Medal, and also the Order of the Sacred Treasure.
He got into religion at Daitoku temple in Kyoto and was given the priest name Muan.
1976 Became an Important Intangible Cultural Assets Holder of Karatsu ware.
1895 Born as the second son of the 11th Taroemon Nakazato in Karatsu, Saga.
1914 Graduated from Arita School of Technology.
1927 Succeeded the name, Taroemon Nakazato the 12th
1937 Made some pieces at the Chitose kiln of Handeishi Kawakita.
1940 Ended ordinary excavation at Fujinokouchi, Imari City.
1955 Selected as in Important Intangible Cultural Asset of Karatsu ware.
1957 Became a deputy general manager at Japanese Traditional Arts and Crafts.
1965 Established a nobori-gama (rising kiln) in Ochawan-gama (an ancient place for the government kiln).
1969 Won the Purple Ribbon Medal, and also the Order of the Sacred Treasure.
He got into religion at Daitoku temple in Kyoto and was given the priest name Muan.
1976 Became an Important Intangible Cultural Assets Holder of Karatsu ware.