西岡 小十NISHIOKA Koju
陶歴/ History
1917年 佐賀県に生まれる1940年 関西大学卒業
1953年 古唐津再現のため古窯跡の発掘を始める。
1971年 小山冨士夫の指導のもとで割竹式登窯を開窯、「小次郎窯」と命名。
1973年 小山冨士夫来窯
1975年 「古唐津陶片展」姫路にて開催
1976年 荒川豊藏来窯
1980年 藤原啓来窯
1981年 絵斑唐津を焼成復元に成功
1983年 梅花皮(かいらぎ)唐津の復元成功
1989年 古希記念「西岡小十作品集」出版発行
1993年 東京、名古屋、大阪にて喜寿記念展開催
1996年 日本橋三越にて「傘寿記念展」開催
1999年 石川県辰之口町に加賀唐津「辰之口窯」開窯
日本橋三越にて「唐津 西岡小十展」開催
2002年 日本橋三越にて「西岡小十と八人展」開催
2005年 富山県氷見にて米寿記念「西岡小十茶陶展」開催
2006年 死去 89歳
1917 Born in Saga Prefecture
1940 Graduated from Kansai University
1953 Started to research on old kilns to reproduce old Karatsu
1971 Made a Waritake kiln under the guidance of Fujio Koyama, and name it "Kojiro Kiln"
1973 Fujio Koyama came to his kiln for pottery making
1975 Held a "Old Karatsu Pieces Exhibition" in Himeji
1976 Toyozo Arakawa came for pottery making
1980 Kei Fujiwara came for pottery making
1981 Successed to re-produce Emadara-Karatsu
Made "Koju Kiln," the name given by Toyozo Arakawa
1983 Successed to re-produce Kairagi-Karatsu
1989 Published his art book commemorate his seventybirthday
1993 Held an exhibition in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka commemorating his seventy-seven birthday
1996 Held an eighty-year-old Memorial Exhibition at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Department
1999 Made a “Kaga Karatsu Tatsunoguchi Kiln” in Ishikawa prefecture.
Held “Karatsu Nishioka Koju Exhibition” at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi
2002 Held ”Nishioka Koju and eight potters Exhibition” at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi
(Imafuji Chojuro / Kato Tansai / Kosugi Kojiro / Komatsubara Masashi / Tachibana Sogi / Nishiyama Matsunosuke / Hosokawa Morihiro / Yabunouchi Jochi)
2005 Held “Nishioka Koju Tea-bowls Exhibition” commemorating eighty-eight year birthday in Toyama prefecture
1917 Born in Saga Prefecture
1940 Graduated from Kansai University
1953 Started to research on old kilns to reproduce old Karatsu
1971 Made a Waritake kiln under the guidance of Fujio Koyama, and name it "Kojiro Kiln"
1973 Fujio Koyama came to his kiln for pottery making
1975 Held a "Old Karatsu Pieces Exhibition" in Himeji
1976 Toyozo Arakawa came for pottery making
1980 Kei Fujiwara came for pottery making
1981 Successed to re-produce Emadara-Karatsu
Made "Koju Kiln," the name given by Toyozo Arakawa
1983 Successed to re-produce Kairagi-Karatsu
1989 Published his art book commemorate his seventybirthday
1993 Held an exhibition in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka commemorating his seventy-seven birthday
1996 Held an eighty-year-old Memorial Exhibition at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Department
1999 Made a “Kaga Karatsu Tatsunoguchi Kiln” in Ishikawa prefecture.
Held “Karatsu Nishioka Koju Exhibition” at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi
2002 Held ”Nishioka Koju and eight potters Exhibition” at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi
(Imafuji Chojuro / Kato Tansai / Kosugi Kojiro / Komatsubara Masashi / Tachibana Sogi / Nishiyama Matsunosuke / Hosokawa Morihiro / Yabunouchi Jochi)
2005 Held “Nishioka Koju Tea-bowls Exhibition” commemorating eighty-eight year birthday in Toyama prefecture