鈴木 治SUZUKI Osamu
陶歴/ History
1926年 ロクロ師鈴木宇源治の三男として京都に生まれる1948年 八木一夫、山田光らと「走泥社」を結成し、第1回「走泥社展」を開催
1961年 日本陶磁協会賞を受賞
1962年 プラハ国際陶芸展で金賞を受賞
1968年 大阪芸術大学陶芸科助教授となる
1970年 「ヴァロリス国際陶芸ビエンナーレ展」で金賞を受賞
1971年 ファエンツァ国際陶芸展で貿易大臣賞を受賞
1975年 「国際陶芸展‘75」に出品
1979年 「アート・ナウ’79」に出品
1999年 東京近代美術館にて「詩情のオブジェ 鈴木治の陶芸」開催
2001年 73歳にて死去
1926 Born in Kyoto as the third son of a lathe master.
1948 Osamu established "Sodei-sha" with YAGI Kazuo and YAMADA Hikaru.
1961 Won the prize of the Japan Ceramic Society.
1962 Won the Golden prize at the International Pottery Exhibition in Prague.
1968 Became an assistant professor in a ceramic art course at Osaka University of Arts.
1970 Won the Golden prize at the Biennale International Pottery Exhibition in Vallauris.
1971 Won the Trade Minister Prize at the International Pottery Exhibition in Faenza. 1975, 1975 Exhibited at the International Pottery Exhibition '75.
1979 Exhibited at the Art Now '79.
1999 Held the Exhibition of “Ceramic art of Suzuki Osamu : poetry in ceramic works at the National Museum Art, Tokyo.
2001 Died at the age 73.
1948 Osamu established "Sodei-sha" with YAGI Kazuo and YAMADA Hikaru.
1961 Won the prize of the Japan Ceramic Society.
1962 Won the Golden prize at the International Pottery Exhibition in Prague.
1968 Became an assistant professor in a ceramic art course at Osaka University of Arts.
1970 Won the Golden prize at the Biennale International Pottery Exhibition in Vallauris.
1971 Won the Trade Minister Prize at the International Pottery Exhibition in Faenza. 1975, 1975 Exhibited at the International Pottery Exhibition '75.
1979 Exhibited at the Art Now '79.
1999 Held the Exhibition of “Ceramic art of Suzuki Osamu : poetry in ceramic works at the National Museum Art, Tokyo.
2001 Died at the age 73.