鈴木 藏SUZUKI Osamu (Kura)
陶歴/ History
1934年 岐阜県土岐市に生まれる1961年 第10回現代日本陶芸展で朝日新聞社賞第一席を受賞
1962年 チェコ国際陶芸展でグランプリを受賞
1967年 第14回日本伝統工芸展で日本工芸会会長賞を受賞
1968年 1967年度 日本陶磁協会賞を受賞
1982年 1981年度 日本陶磁協会賞金賞を受賞
1987年 昭和61年度 芸術選奨文部大臣賞を受賞
1990年 多治見市虎渓山町に築窯
1991年 多治見市無形文化財志野技術保持者に認定
1992年 第5回藤原啓記念賞を受賞
1994年 重要無形文化財「志野」保持者に認定
1995年 紫綬褒章授章
2006年 旭日中綬章受章
第一回現代の茶陶展で大賞を受賞(菊池寛実記念 智美術館)
2010年 第三回現代の茶陶展で優秀賞を受賞(菊池寛実記念 智美術館)
2011年 当苑にて「鳳觴 鈴木藏展」を開催
1934 Born in Toki City, Gifu
1961 Received the President of NHK Prize at the 8th Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition
1962 Received the Grand Prix at the Prague International Ceramics Competition
1967 Received the Chairman of Japan Art Crafts Association Prize at the 14th Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition
1968 Invited to submit to the “New Generation of Ceramic Art in Japan” Exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto and the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
Received the Japan Ceramic Society Award
1982 Received the Japan Ceramic Society Gold Award
1987 Received the Minister of Education, Science and Culture Prize at the Geijutsu Sensho Awards
1990 Built a kiln in Kokeizan-cho, Tajimi
1994 Important Intangible Cultural Property Holder of Shino Ware
1995 Received the Medal with Purple Ribbon
2006 Received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
Received the Grand Prize at the 1st Musee Tomo Prize, Contemporary Ceramics for the Tea Ceremony Exhibition
2010 “Ryuryo Tensho – Shino Wares of Suzuki Osamu Exhibition” at Musee Tomo
Received the Excellence Award at the 3rd Musee Tomo Prize, Contemporary Ceramics for the Tea Ceremony Exhibition
2011 Held his solo exhibition at Shibuya Kurodatoen
1961 Received the President of NHK Prize at the 8th Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition
1962 Received the Grand Prix at the Prague International Ceramics Competition
1967 Received the Chairman of Japan Art Crafts Association Prize at the 14th Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition
1968 Invited to submit to the “New Generation of Ceramic Art in Japan” Exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto and the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
Received the Japan Ceramic Society Award
1982 Received the Japan Ceramic Society Gold Award
1987 Received the Minister of Education, Science and Culture Prize at the Geijutsu Sensho Awards
1990 Built a kiln in Kokeizan-cho, Tajimi
1994 Important Intangible Cultural Property Holder of Shino Ware
1995 Received the Medal with Purple Ribbon
2006 Received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
Received the Grand Prize at the 1st Musee Tomo Prize, Contemporary Ceramics for the Tea Ceremony Exhibition
2010 “Ryuryo Tensho – Shino Wares of Suzuki Osamu Exhibition” at Musee Tomo
Received the Excellence Award at the 3rd Musee Tomo Prize, Contemporary Ceramics for the Tea Ceremony Exhibition
2011 Held his solo exhibition at Shibuya Kurodatoen