飯塚 琅玕斎 IIZUKA Roukansai
陶歴/ History
1890年 初代鳳齋の七男として栃木県下都賀郡栃木町に生まれる本名は弥之助、別号は友石
1902年 この頃、父鳳翁に竹工を学び始める
1914年 二代鳳齋と妻シヅの養子になる
1916年 この頃、篆刻家の蘆野楠山から琅玕齋の号を贈られ、琅玕齋、別号・友石を名乗りはじめる
1922年 平和記念東京博覧会 銀賞受賞(宮内庁買い上げ)
1932年 帝展 特選 受賞(竹工界初、1934年に2度目の特選受賞)
1939年 文部省美術展覧会審査員(竹工界初)
1947年 昭和天皇の栃木行幸に際し、栃木から献上する作品を謹製する
1955年 社団法人日本工芸会結成、理事となる
1958年 日本伝統工芸展に理事として出品
IIZUKA, Rokansai (1890-1968)
1890 Born in present day Tochigi City in Tochigi Prefecture, the seventh son of Iizuka Hosai I.
1902 From the age of 12 he began his training in bamboo craft at the hands of his father.
He worked in the family bamboo craft profession under his elder brother Iizuka Hosai II.
1915 Established independence in his mid-twenties, and from an early age sought to develop an artistic form of bamboo craft as an independent artist.
1916 He began to use the professional name "Rokansai" being bestowed by the engraver Ashino Nanzan.
Rokan means "beautiful bamboo."
1931 He exhibited in the 12th Teiten exhibition.
1932 In the 13th exhibition received his first award of highest honors for a bamboo craft work.
1939 At the third New Bunten exhibition he was the first judge to be chosen from the bamboo crafts by serving as Nitten councilor and Director of the Japan Crafts Association.
1890 Born in present day Tochigi City in Tochigi Prefecture, the seventh son of Iizuka Hosai I.
1902 From the age of 12 he began his training in bamboo craft at the hands of his father.
He worked in the family bamboo craft profession under his elder brother Iizuka Hosai II.
1915 Established independence in his mid-twenties, and from an early age sought to develop an artistic form of bamboo craft as an independent artist.
1916 He began to use the professional name "Rokansai" being bestowed by the engraver Ashino Nanzan.
Rokan means "beautiful bamboo."
1931 He exhibited in the 12th Teiten exhibition.
1932 In the 13th exhibition received his first award of highest honors for a bamboo craft work.
1939 At the third New Bunten exhibition he was the first judge to be chosen from the bamboo crafts by serving as Nitten councilor and Director of the Japan Crafts Association.