隠﨑 隆一KAKUREZAKI Ryuichi
陶歴/ History
1950年 長崎県に生まれる1973年 大阪芸術大学を卒業する
1988年 田部美術館「茶の湯の造形展」大賞受賞
1995年 第8回MOA岡田茂吉賞優秀賞受賞
1996年 日本陶磁協会賞受賞
2004年 「備前焼の魅力―伝統と創造―展」出品
2005年 「Contemporary Clay Japanese Ceramics for the New Century」展出品(ボストン美術館・アメリカ、2006年 Japan Society・ニューヨーク巡回)
2008年 第2回智美術館大賞「現代の茶陶」展 優秀賞受賞(菊池寛実記念 智美術館)
2009年 第52回日本伝統工芸中国支部展 特別賞・金重陶陽賞受賞
2010年 第3回智美術館大賞「現代の茶─造形の自由」展出品(菊池寛実記念 智美術館)、
「現代工芸への視点 茶事をめぐって」展出品(東京国立近代美術館工芸館)
2013年 第55回岡山県文化奨励賞受賞、「現代の名碗」展出品(菊池寛実記念 智美術館)、
「日本伝統工芸展60回記念 工芸からKOGEIへ」展出品(東京国立近代美術館 工芸館)
2014年 福武文化賞受賞、「隠﨑隆一 事に仕えて」展出品(菊池寛実記念 智美術館)
2015年 第56回毎日芸術賞受賞、第73回山陽新聞賞受賞、2014年度日本陶磁協会賞・金賞受賞
1950 Born in Nagasaki.
1973 Graduated from Osaka University of Arts.
1988 Won a prize for encouragement at the Chano-yu (Tea Ceremony) Figurative Arts Exhibition by the Tanabe Museum of Art.
1995 Won a OKADA Mokichi award at the competition held by MOA (MOA Museum of Art).
1996 Won a Japan Ceramic Society award.
2004 Joined the exhibition called Fascination of the Bizen wares; Tradition and Creation.
2005 Submitted his works to "Contemporary Clay Japanese Ceramics for the New Century" Exhibition at Boston Museum of Art, the U.S.
2008 Received the Grand Prize at the 2nd Musee Tomo Prize, Contemporary Ceramics for the Tea Ceremony Exhibition
2009 Received the special prize KANESHIGE Toyo prize at the 52nd Japan Traditional Craft Exhibition in Chugoku Area
2013 Received the 55th Cultural Award of Okayama Prefecture
2015 Received the 56th Mainichi Art Award, the 73rd Sanyo Shimbun Award, the Japan Ceramic Society Award/Grand prix of 2014
1973 Graduated from Osaka University of Arts.
1988 Won a prize for encouragement at the Chano-yu (Tea Ceremony) Figurative Arts Exhibition by the Tanabe Museum of Art.
1995 Won a OKADA Mokichi award at the competition held by MOA (MOA Museum of Art).
1996 Won a Japan Ceramic Society award.
2004 Joined the exhibition called Fascination of the Bizen wares; Tradition and Creation.
2005 Submitted his works to "Contemporary Clay Japanese Ceramics for the New Century" Exhibition at Boston Museum of Art, the U.S.
2008 Received the Grand Prize at the 2nd Musee Tomo Prize, Contemporary Ceramics for the Tea Ceremony Exhibition
2009 Received the special prize KANESHIGE Toyo prize at the 52nd Japan Traditional Craft Exhibition in Chugoku Area
2013 Received the 55th Cultural Award of Okayama Prefecture
2015 Received the 56th Mainichi Art Award, the 73rd Sanyo Shimbun Award, the Japan Ceramic Society Award/Grand prix of 2014