田中佐次郎TANAKA Sajiro

陶歴/ History

1937年 福岡県に生まれる
1965年 縄文・弥生土器各地発掘調査、手びねりを始める
1971年 唐津古窯址を発掘調査、作陶活動を開始する
1975年 唐津に登窯を築窯する。永平寺に於いて在家得度
1979年 加藤唐九郎氏に教を受く
1980年 当苑にて初個展を開催
1987年 古窯地山瀬に登り窯築窯
1996年 韓国にて李朝陶器発掘調査並びに、山清の地大明窯にて作陶
1998年 当苑30周年記念「三十碗展」を開催
2000年 「井戸茶碗展」を当苑にて開催
2003年 韓国に半地上六連房式登窯「亀山窯」を築窯
2004年 初窯火入式。当苑にて「高麗茶碗展」
2008年 しぶや黒田陶苑40周年記念「高麗茶碗展」を開催
2012年 陶苑にて「田中佐次郎展」開催
2014年 陶苑にて「田中佐次郎展」開催、以後毎年開催
1937 Born in Kita-Kyushu in Fukuoka
1965 Begins his ceramic career by the “tebineri (hand-pinching)" method. He excavates several places and researches ancient pottery pieces that were made in the Jomon and Yayoi era.
1971 Went to Eihei-ji (Eihei temple) to learn the practice of Zen. Begins excavation on ancient Karatsu ceramic pieces at Hizen area and creating Karatsu works.
1975 Received a Buddhist priest name “Zenkai Hogetsu” by a Zen master, Reirin Yamada, while building a rising kiln on the premises of Handa Joraku-ji (Joraku temple) in Karatsu.
1979 Met KATO Tokuro, the great Shino artist, for the first time after taking Zen practice at Eihei-ji.
1980 Holds his first exhibition at Shibuya Kurodatoen
1987 Built his own kiln named “Yamase” at ancient kiln site which is 700 meters above sea level.
1994 Solo exhibition in New York.
1996 Excavated and researched on Korean ceramics while working at Da Ming kiln, Sancheong in Korea.
1998 Solo exhibition “The Thirty Tea Bowls” in commemoration of Shibuya Kurodatoen 30th anniversary.
2000 Solo exhibition “The Ten Ido Ware Tea Bowls”
2003 Built the rising kiln named “Kizan” at Ulsan, which was offered by Mr. Kim Tein.
2004 Solo exhibition “Korai Tea Bowls” was held at Shibuya Kuroatoen.
2008 Solo exhibitions “Karatsu and Korai for Sake” and “Korai Tea Bowls” in commemoration of Shibuya Kurodatoen 40th anniversary.
2012 Held solo exhibition at Shibuya Kurodatoen
2014 Held solo exhibition at Shibuya Kurodatoen yearly since this year.

田中佐次郎 作品一覧