山田 山庵YAMADA Sanan
陶歴/ History
1906年 5月17日、栃木県栃木市嘉右衛門町四五番地に大木惣十郎の五男に生まれる1929年 法政大学卒業
1933年 元骨董商の経歴のある山田家の長女、山田志づ子と養子縁組する
1934年 八事の中村道年氏より、土を譲り受け手造を始める。この後、作陶を続け、戦前は主に長次郎からのんこう・了入風のもの、戦後は光悦の茶碗に魅せられ光悦風のものを作る
1951年 裏千家老分となる
1953年 池袋信用組合を創立し、理事長に就任
1959年 壺中居にて「楽茶碗展」を開催する。全作品非売
1962年 日本橋三越にて「楽茶碗展」を開催する(この個展に於ける売上は読売・朝日両新聞社の夫々の企画関係に寄付する)
1964年 日本橋三越にて「楽茶碗展」を開催
1965年 この年より志野茶碗に取り組み、多治見の鈴木藏氏の窯にて焼成する
1967年 松永安左衛門氏、谷川徹三氏の下、日本陶芸倶楽部の創立の一員とな り、副理事長を務める
1968年 東京吉兆にて「志野茶碗展」を開催する。十月、名古屋丸栄にて個展を開催する
1970年 壺中居にて「高麗風茶碗展」を開催する
1976年 講談社刊「現代の陶芸」第七巻収録
1977年 三越にて「楽茶碗展」開催
1988年 壺中居にて「自撰楽茶碗展」開催
1992年 「自撰 楽茶碗」(大塚巧藝社)出版
1995年 逝去
1906 Born in Tochigi.
1929 He graduated from Hosei University.
1933 Married Shizuko Yamada who was an eldest daughter of a former antiques dealer. From this time, his collecting antiques was getting professional and Yama-sou handling tea things was founded by Sanan.
Sanan felt a strong attraction to a progress that a potter's clay became tea bowls at kiln of Donen Nakamura in Nagoya(Aichi). And he started to make his own work using Mr. Nakamura's clay. Chojiro, Nonko and Ryonyu Raku Family influenced his work before the war. After the war, he mede the tea bowls of Koetsu style.
1953 He founded a credit association in Ikebukuro and became the chairman.
1959 His first solo exhibition of "Raku Tea Bowls" was hold at Kochukyo in Tokyo. All works wasn't for sale there. After that, he held the exhibition "Raku Tea Bowls" at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi many time.
1965 Started to make Shino tea bowls at kiln of Osamu Suzuki in Tajimi(Gifu).
1988 Selected his own tea bowls and held the exhibition. It was the final exhibition before he dies. He passed away at the age of 89.
1906 Born in Tochigi.
1929 He graduated from Hosei University.
1933 Married Shizuko Yamada who was an eldest daughter of a former antiques dealer. From this time, his collecting antiques was getting professional and Yama-sou handling tea things was founded by Sanan.
Sanan felt a strong attraction to a progress that a potter's clay became tea bowls at kiln of Donen Nakamura in Nagoya(Aichi). And he started to make his own work using Mr. Nakamura's clay. Chojiro, Nonko and Ryonyu Raku Family influenced his work before the war. After the war, he mede the tea bowls of Koetsu style.
1953 He founded a credit association in Ikebukuro and became the chairman.
1959 His first solo exhibition of "Raku Tea Bowls" was hold at Kochukyo in Tokyo. All works wasn't for sale there. After that, he held the exhibition "Raku Tea Bowls" at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi many time.
1965 Started to make Shino tea bowls at kiln of Osamu Suzuki in Tajimi(Gifu).
1988 Selected his own tea bowls and held the exhibition. It was the final exhibition before he dies. He passed away at the age of 89.