長谷川 清吉HASEGAWA Seikichi

陶歴/ History

1982 三代目長谷川一望斎春洸の長男として生まれる
2001 ロンドン チェルシー美術大学彫刻科入学
2003 同大学中退 父春洸の下で鍛金と彫金の修行に入る
2014 当苑にて個展
2016 当苑にて個展
2018 興福寺中金堂落慶法要にて千宗屋氏による献茶道具として皆具を制作
2020 当苑にて個展
2023 超絶技巧、未来へ展 (岐阜県現代陶芸美術館、 長野県立美術館、三井記念美術館など)
1982 Born in Nagoya
2001 Studied Curving at Chelsea University of Art and Design in London
2003 Trained under his father Ichibousai the third, Shunko, a traditional metalworking family for tea celemony.
2014 Held his first exhibition at Shibuya Kurodatoen also in 2016, 2018, 2020, and2023
2018 An artwork was selected and used in a tea ceremony hosted by SEN Sooku at a ceremony to officially celebrate the completion of the restoration of the central golden hall at Kohfukuji, one of Japan’s oldest and most famous Buddhist temples.
2023  Exhibition "In the Genes, Taking Marvelous Meiji Craftsmanship into the Future at Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu, Nagano prefectural Art Museum, Mitsui Memorial Museum, etc)

長谷川 清吉 作品一覧