島岡 達三SHIMAOKA Tatsuzo
陶歴/ History
1919年 東京都港区で三代続いた組紐師、島岡米吉の長男として生まれる1939年 東京工業大学窯業学科に入学
1946年 益子に移り、濱田庄司先生に師事する
1950年 三年間、栃木県窯業指導所に勤務
1953年 益子に住居と窯を設ける
1962年 日本民藝館新作展にて日本民藝館賞受賞。
1980年 栃木県文化功労章を受章
1987年 マンハイム市立美術館にて個展開催。
1989年 ミュンヘン市立博物館にて個展開催。
1994年 日本陶磁協会金賞受賞
1996年 国の重要無形文化財「民芸陶器(縄文象嵌)」保持者の認定を受ける。
1997年 益子町陶芸メッセにて「島岡達三展」開催
1999年 勲四等旭日小綬章受章
2007年 逝去。享年88歳。
1919 Born in Tokyo, as the first son of braid craftman family.
1939 Enrolled Tokyo Institute of Technology and studied pottery.
1946 Moved to Mashiko to study under Hamada Shoji.
1950 Worked at the present Industrial Technology Center of Tochigi prefecture for three years.
1953 Build his own kiln and his home by himself.
1962 Won a Japan Folk Craft Museum Aword.
1987 Held his exhibition at Mannheim City Museum in Germany.
1989 Held his exhibition at München City Museun.
1994 Won a Gold Prize at Japan Ceramic Associtation Aword
1996 Credited as a Imoortant Intangible Cultural Property in Craft Pottery.
1999 Received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette.
1939 Enrolled Tokyo Institute of Technology and studied pottery.
1946 Moved to Mashiko to study under Hamada Shoji.
1950 Worked at the present Industrial Technology Center of Tochigi prefecture for three years.
1953 Build his own kiln and his home by himself.
1962 Won a Japan Folk Craft Museum Aword.
1987 Held his exhibition at Mannheim City Museum in Germany.
1989 Held his exhibition at München City Museun.
1994 Won a Gold Prize at Japan Ceramic Associtation Aword
1996 Credited as a Imoortant Intangible Cultural Property in Craft Pottery.
1999 Received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette.