初代 徳田 八十吉TOKUDA Yasokichi (the First)
陶歴/ History
1873 明治 6年 石川県能美郡小松大文字町(現小松市)の染物屋に生まれる1889 明治22年 荒木探令に師事して日本画を学ぶ
1890 明治23年 義兄松本佐平(佐瓶)に師事、陶芸の道に進む
1922 大正11年 東宮殿下御成婚の折、石川県より花瓶製作献上する
1953 昭和28年 上絵付け(九谷)の技術が文部省より無形文化財の指定を受ける
1956 昭和31年 死去
1873 Born in Komatsu Daimonji-cho, Nomi-county (currently, Komatsu City) in Ishikawa .
1890 Studied under his brother-in-law, Sahei Matsumoto, and entered the field of ceramic arts.
1928 He was ordered by Ishikawa prefecture to create flower vases in commemoration of Togu Denka's wedding. Also ordered by Komatsu-cho to create Raku figurines in commemoration of the coronation of Taisho Emperor.
1953 He was selected as an Important Intangible Cultural Asset.
1890 Studied under his brother-in-law, Sahei Matsumoto, and entered the field of ceramic arts.
1928 He was ordered by Ishikawa prefecture to create flower vases in commemoration of Togu Denka's wedding. Also ordered by Komatsu-cho to create Raku figurines in commemoration of the coronation of Taisho Emperor.
1953 He was selected as an Important Intangible Cultural Asset.