梶原 靖元KAJIHARA Yasumoto
陶歴/ History
1962年 佐賀県に生まれる1980年 唐津の江口宗山に師事する
1989年 京都の大丸北峰に師事する。有田、唐津、京都など各地で修行を重ねる
1995年 唐津市和多田にて独立する
1997年 相知町にて穴窯を築窯する
2001年 佐里にて築窯する
2002年 韓国古窯址を調査
2003年 韓国古窯址にて3カ月間研修
2009年 中国河南省汝窯青瓷古窯跡視察
2012年 「韓日會寧陶磁展」出品
2013年 韓国通度寺にて作陶
2014年 井戸茶碗古窯後 白蓮里、頭洞里の原料視察
2015年 高麗白瓷古窯跡 楊口、驪州視察
2017年 雲垈里、宝城粉引原料視察
2018年 黒高麗窯跡龍山里視察
2019年 李朝白瓷分院古窯視察
2020年 西日本新聞随筆連載(全50回)執筆
1962 Born in Saga.
1980 Studied under a Karatsu artist, EGUCHI Sozan.
1989 Studied under a DAIMARU Hokuho in Kyoto. Visited and learned techniques from several major ceramic places such as Arita, Karatsu, Kyoto and so on.
1995 Become independent in Karatsu.
1997 Built his own kilns in 1997 and 2001 in Karatsu, Saga.
2002 Excavated some ancient kilns in Korea.
2003 Researched on ancient Korean ceramic pieces in Korea for three months.
2009 Visited the Ju kilns, Henan, China for survey.
2012 Korea and Japan Hoeryŏng-si Pottery Exhibition.
Visited for pottery making at Youngsan, Korea.
2013 Visited for pottery making at Tongdosa, Korea
2014 Surveyed on the materials at Baekryeon-ri, Du-don-ri: old kilns of Ido Tea bowls.
2015 Visited Yanggu, Yeo ju, Korea for surveying korean whiteware.
2017 Visited Underi Kiln, Korea for surveying materials of Hojo Kohiki
2018 Visited Yonsanri Kiln, Korea for surveying black Goryo
2019 Visited Buninri Kiln, Korea for surveying Yi-Dinasty white porcelain.
2021 Visited Susa-Karatsu old kilns, Japan, for survey.
2022 Visited old Suzu kilns, Japan, for survey.
1980 Studied under a Karatsu artist, EGUCHI Sozan.
1989 Studied under a DAIMARU Hokuho in Kyoto. Visited and learned techniques from several major ceramic places such as Arita, Karatsu, Kyoto and so on.
1995 Become independent in Karatsu.
1997 Built his own kilns in 1997 and 2001 in Karatsu, Saga.
2002 Excavated some ancient kilns in Korea.
2003 Researched on ancient Korean ceramic pieces in Korea for three months.
2009 Visited the Ju kilns, Henan, China for survey.
2012 Korea and Japan Hoeryŏng-si Pottery Exhibition.
Visited for pottery making at Youngsan, Korea.
2013 Visited for pottery making at Tongdosa, Korea
2014 Surveyed on the materials at Baekryeon-ri, Du-don-ri: old kilns of Ido Tea bowls.
2015 Visited Yanggu, Yeo ju, Korea for surveying korean whiteware.
2017 Visited Underi Kiln, Korea for surveying materials of Hojo Kohiki
2018 Visited Yonsanri Kiln, Korea for surveying black Goryo
2019 Visited Buninri Kiln, Korea for surveying Yi-Dinasty white porcelain.
2021 Visited Susa-Karatsu old kilns, Japan, for survey.
2022 Visited old Suzu kilns, Japan, for survey.