【特別展「粋」Ⅱ】Special Exhibition "SUI Ⅱ"
- No.32 天極をさす / Hanging scroll, Calligraphy “天極をさす(pointing the celestial pole)”
- No.31 蓮座観音 / Hanging scroll “Bodhisattva on lotus seat”
- No.30 京洛聚秀 / Picture album of 12 people with Kyoto connections
- No.29 富士 / Framed painting “Mt.Fuji”
- No.28 甲斐虎、クマの顔 / Framed painting “Kai-tora, Kuma’s face”
- No.27 黒の二重像 / Framed painting “Double image in black”
- No.26 糸杉のある小風景 / Framed painting “A small landscape with cypresses”
- No.25 盃 / Sake cup
- No.24 志野くい呑み / Sake cup, Shino
- No.23 備前徳利 / Sake bottle, Bizen
- No.22 仿嘉靖黄地赤彩菊牡丹文角皿 / Square plate with chrysanthemum and peony design, Yellow glaze under red enamel, Jiajing style
- No.21 仿嘉靖黄地赤彩魚藻文角皿 / Square plate with fish and water plants design, Yellow glaze under red enamel, Jiajing style
- No.20 黄地紅彩龍文角皿 / Square plate with dragon design, Yellow glaze under red enamel
- No.19 黄地紅彩雲龍文壷 / Jar with dragon and cloud design, Yellow glaze under red enamel
- No.18 黒沃地四稜茶器 / Tea caddy, Black lacqured, Four ridges design
- No.17 瀬戸黒茶入 / Tea caddy, Setoguro
- No.14 鼡志野向付 / A set of 5 deep bowls, Nezumi-shino
- No.13 鉄志野長方皿 / Rectangular plate, Iron-Shino
- No.12 きせとちやわん 銘「黍餅」 / Tea bowl, Kiseto, “Kibi-mochi”
- No.11 瀬戸黒茶盌 銘「夕霧」 / Tea bowl, Setoguro , “Yu-giri”
- No.10 志野茶盌 / Tea bowl, Shino
- No.9 粉青瓷大鉢 / Large bowl, Celadon
- No.8 耳いれの器 / Ear container, Black ware
- No.6 一九八十 壷 / Vessel 1980
- No.5 曲線文茶碗 / Tea bowl with curved line pattern
- No.4 黄鱗文組弁壷 / Work with overlapping design and yellow scale pattern
- No.3 組帯壷 作品Ⅰ / Band Constructed Vessel I
- No.2 白磁壷 / Vessel, White porcelain
- No.1 白磁壷 / Vessel, White porcelain