【織部 小山智徳展】Exhibition of KOYAMA Tomonori
- No.70-4 古染風織部向付 / Dish, E-oribe, Kosometsuke motif
- No.71-10 織部平向付 / Dish, Oribe
- No.72-2 織部小向付 / Small Dish, Oribe
- No.72-13 織部小向付 / Small Dish, Oribe
- No.80-2 絵織部紅葉皿 / Dish, E-oribe, Maple leaf motif
- No.23 黒織部沓茶碗 / Tea bowl, Kuro-oribe, Kutsu shaped
- No.51 織部掛花入 / Hanging flower vase, Oribe
- No.57 織部壷 / Vessel, Oribe
- No.53-1 赤織部湯呑 / Yunomi, Aka-oribe
- No.19 鳴海織部沓さけのみ / Sake cup, Narumi-oribe, Kutsu shaped
- No.66 青織部輪花さけのみ / Guinomi, Ao-oribe, Scallop shaped
- No.16 (DM) 黄瀬戸鳥形水滴 / Water droplet, Kiseto, Bird shaped
- No.44 青織部小猿鈕香合 / Incense container, Ao-oribe, Monkey shaped
- No.52-1 絵織部文字入汲出 / Cup, E-oribe
- No.37 織部阿吽狛犬燭台 対 / A pair of candle stand, Oribe, Lion dog shaped
- No.56 織部徳利 / Tokkuri, Oribe
- No.41 黄瀬戸地蔵菩薩燭台 / Candle stand, Kiseto, Jizo (guardian deity of children)
- No.21 志野銅羅鉢 / Basin, Shino
- No.27 織部茶碗 / Tea bowl, Oribe
- No.34 織部狛犬吽形燭台 / Candle stand, Oribe, Lion dog shaped
- No.39 織部如意輪観音燭台 / Candle stand, Oribe, Cintamani-cakra (manifestation of Bodhisattva)
- No.7 (DM) 織部窯変瓶子 / Vase, Oribe with Yohen effect
- No.48 青織部水鳥香合 / Incense container, Ao-oribe, Waterfowl shaped
- No.36 鉄釉阿吽狛犬 対 / A pair of candle stand, Iron glazed, Lion dog shaped
- No.54 弥七田織部菓子器 / Compote plate, Yashichida-oribe
- No.70-2 古染風織部向付 / Dish, E-oribe, Kosometsuke motif
- No.50 青織部鵂香合 / Incense container, Ao-oribe, Owl shaped
- No.13 (DM) 織部蟹形水滴 / Water droplet, Oribe, Crab shaped
- No.49 青織部小鳥香合 / Incense container, Ao-oribe, Small bird shaped
- No.18 絵織部牛頭盃 / Sakazuki, E-oribe, with cow-head shaped foot
- No.35 織部狛犬阿形燭台 / Candle stand, Oribe, Lion dog shaped
- No.65 瀬戸黒さけのみ / Guinomi, Setoguro
- No.2 (DM) 織部黒筒茶碗 / Tea bowl, Oribe-kuro
- No.70-3 古染風織部向付 / Dish, E-oribe, Kosometsuke motif
- No.67 赤織部七角さけのみ / Guinomi, Aka-oribe, Heptagonal shaped
- No.47 弥七田織部獅子香合 / Incense container, Yashichida-oribe, Lion shaped
- No.30 青織部立猫燭台 / Candle stand, Ao-oribe, Standing cat shaped
- No.63 織部黒八角さけのみ / Guinomi, Oribe-kuro, Octagonal shaped
- No.71-12 織部平向付 / Dish, Oribe
- No.25 瀬戸黒茶碗 / Tea bowl, Setoguro
- No.46 青織部鵂鈕香合 / Incense container, Ao-oribe, Owl shaped
- No.31 織部窯変八方水指 / Water jar, Oribe with Yohen effect, Octagonal shaped
- No.68-2 弥七田織部片口 / Lipped bowl, Yashichida-oribe
- No.4 黄瀬戸茶碗 / Tea bowl, Oribe-kuro
- No.62 黒織部沓さけのみ / Guinomi, Kuro-oribe, Kutsu shaped
- No.43 織部角筒掛花入 / Hanging flower vase, Oribe
- No.55 赤織部壷 / Vessel, Aka-oribe
- No.28 織部小服茶碗 / Small tea bowl, Oribe
- No.15 黄瀬戸亀形水滴 / Water droplet, Kiseto, Turtle shaped
- No.29 織部窯変俎 / Rectangular plate, Oribe with Yohen effect
- No.32 織部窯変八角水指 / Water jar, Oribe with Yohen effect, Octagonal shaped
- No.17 弥七田織部牛頭盃 / Sakazuki, Yashichida-oribe, with cow-head shaped foot
- No.22 黄瀬戸織部八角茶碗 / Tea bowl, Kiseto-oribe, Octagonal shaped
- No.59 鳴海織部沓さけのみ / Guinomi, Narumi-oribe, Kutsu shaped