【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware

開催期間:2022年5月6日(金) ~ 2022年5月10日(火)Exhibition : May 6 to May 10, 2022



【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware


No.1 古染付五種皿 / A set of 5 plates, Sometsuke

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
13.0~15.0 / 高2.2~3.2cm
売約済 / sold

No.2 永樂善五郎(和全) 錦手金繪小鉢 / EIRAKU Zengoro (Wazen) Bowl, Overglaze enamels with gold painting

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
12.8 / 高7.2cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
¥250,000(税込/including tax)

No.3 永樂善五郎(保全) 土器皿 十客 / EIRAKU Zengoro (Hozen) A set of 10 earthenware dishes

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
12.7 / 高2.0㎝
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / sold

No.4 永樂和全 染付桃形盃 十客 / EIRAKU Wazen A set of 10 sakazuki in peach shape, Sometsuke

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
4.8-5.9 / 高2.8㎝
得全箱 with box signed by EIRAKU Tokuzen
売約済 / sold

No.5 永樂善五郎(和全) 萬暦赤絵写枡鉢 / EIRAKU Zengoro (Wazen) Square bowl, Overglaze enamels

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
13.6 / 高7.6㎝
共箱 with box signed by the artist
¥200,000(税込/including tax)

No.6 永樂善五郎 呉洲赤絵菱形小鉢 / EIRAKU Zengoro Small diamond shape bowl, Underglaze blue and Overglaze enamels

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
13.2 / 12.4 / 高9.1㎝
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / sold

No.7 永樂善五郎 (和全) 南禅寺碗 十客 / EIRAKU Zengoro (Wazen) A set of 10 bowls, Sometsuke

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
8.0 / 高6.0㎝
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.8 永樂保全 祥瑞寫向付 五客 / EIRAKU Hozen A set of 5 bowls, Sometsuke

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
11.0 / 高8.2cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.9 永樂和全 赤繪小茶碗 五客 / EIRAKU Wazen A set of 5 bowls with lid, Overglaze enamels

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
9.3 / 高7.7cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.10 楠部彌弌 彩華唐草文菓子鉢 / KUSUBE Yaichi Confectionary Bowl, Arabesque design

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
20.2 / 高9.0cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.11 三代 山田常山 常滑平鉢 / YAMADA Jozan III Flat bowl, Tokoname

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
24.6 / 高4.6cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.12 森陶岳 備前三角面取鉢 / MORI Togaku Triangle bowl, Bizen

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
19.3 / 16.7 / 高10.4cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.13 森陶岳 折目皿 五客 / MORI Togaku A set of 5 plates, Bizen

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
21.6-23.0 / 高2.5cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.14 森陶岳 丸鉢 / MORI Togaku Round bowl, Bizen

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
26.8 / 高7.2cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.15 森陶岳 三角皿 五客 / MORI Togaku A set of 5 plates, Bizen

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
21.8-22.4 / 高6.0cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.16 川瀬竹志 赤絵金彩向附 六客 / KAWASE Takeshi A set of 6 bowls, Underglaze blue and overglaze enamels

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
12.4 / 高5.8cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
¥180,000(税込/including tax)

No.17 川瀬竹志 染付草花文汲出 拾客 / KAWASE Takeshi A set of 10 tea cups, Sometsuke

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
8.6 / 高4.1cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.18 川瀬竹志  白磁刻花文鉢 / KAWASE Takeshi Bowl with incised design of flower, White porcelain

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
20.5 / 高4.5cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
¥80,000(税込/including tax)

No.19 川瀬竹志 白磁碗 / KAWASE Takeshi Bowl with incised design of flower, White porcelain

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
12.4 / 高4.6cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.20 川瀬竹志 赤絵葡萄文輪花皿 五客 / KAWASE Takeshi A set of 5 plates, Overglaze enamels, Grape motif

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
14.0 / 高2.2cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.21 松風栄一 赤絵椿鉢 / SHOFU Eiichi Bowl with Camellia design, Overglaze enamels

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
20.2 / 高8.7cm
売約済 / Sold

No.22 宮之原謙 繪変り銘々皿 五客 / MIYANOHARA Ken A set of 5 plates, Overglaze enamels

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
14.0 / 高2.0cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.23 西岡良弘 朝鮮唐津鉢 / NISHIOKA Yoshihiro Flat bowl, Chosen-karatsu

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
19.2 / 18.7 / 高6.0cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
¥60,000(税込/including tax)

No.24 西岡良弘 絵唐津ぶどう文足付四方皿 六客 / NISHIOKA Yoshihiro A set of 6 square plates, E-karatsu, Grape motif

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
19.8 / 19.2 / 高4.2cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / sold

No.25 西岡小十 朝鮮唐津深向付 六客 / NISHIOKA Koju A set of 6 bowls, Chosen-karatsu

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
14.7 / 14.2 / 高7.8cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / sold

No.26 西岡良弘 絵唐津ぶどう文皿 六客 / NISHIOKA Yoshihiro A set of 6 plates, E-karatsu, Grape motif

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
22.7 / 高5.5cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.27 西岡良弘 斑唐津長方皿 / NISHIOKA Yoshihiro Platter, Madara-karatsu

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
47.5 / 25.0 / 高6.0cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
¥120,000(税込/including tax)

No.28 西岡良弘 朝鮮唐津長方皿 六客 / NISHIOKA Yoshihiro A set of 6 plates, Chosen-karatsu

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
25.0 / 11.5 / 高2.5cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.29 金重素山 朝鮮唐津小皿 五人 / KANESHIGE Sozan A set of 5 plates, Chosen-karatsu

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
13.2-12.6 / 高2.5cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold

No.30 義山 クリスタルグラス 十客 / Giyaman A set of 10 cocktail glasses

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
6.2 / 高11.6cm
売約済 / sold

No.31 義山 クリスタル金唐草大皿 七客 / Giyaman A set of 7 glass plates, Arabesque design

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
29.4 / 高2.9cm
売約済 / Sold

No.32 益田芳徳 すみ切硝子 / MASUDA Yoshinori Platter, Glass

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
19.8 / 15.2 / 高4.5cm
共箱 with box signed by the artist
売約済 / sold

No.33 金線グラス 六客 / A set of 6 glasses, Gold lines

【おいしいうつわ】Exhibition of Appetizing Tableware
5.5 / 高9.9cm
¥60,000(税込/including tax)
※ ご紹介しております中には、ご売約戴いている作品もございます。
※ 作品の詳細等のお問い合わせ、ご予約等はしぶや黒田陶苑までご連絡ください。
電話 :03-3499-3225  E-mail :info@kurodatoen.co.jp