魯卿あん(京橋店)【しろいやきものⅡ】Exhibition of White Pottery Ⅱ
開催期間:2023年2月13日(月) ~ 2023年2月25日(土)Exhibition : February 13 to February 25, 2023
富本憲吉 荒川豊藏 十一代 三輪休雪 八木一夫 塚本快示
他 古陶磁
〒104-0031 中央区京橋2-9-9 ASビルディング1F
TEL: 03-6228-7704
【しろいやきもの Ⅱ】Exhibition of White Pottery Ⅱ
2023年2月13日(月) ~ 2月25日(土)
図1. 李朝白磁壷 / Vessel, White porcelain
29.0 / H32.8cm
価格はお問い合わせください。/ Please inquire about the price.
李朝朝鮮 / Yi Dynasty Period, Korea
図2. 李朝白磁小壷 / Small Vessel, White porcelain
13.4 / H15.6cm
価格はお問い合わせください。/ Please inquire about the price.
李朝朝鮮 / Yi Dynasty Period, Korea
図3. 斑唐津壷 / Vessel Madara-Karatsu
16.0 / H11.2cm
価格はお問い合わせください。/ Please inquire about the price.
安土桃山時代 / Azuchi Momoyama Period, Japan
図4. 唐白磁壷 / Vessel, White porcelain
18.6 / H17.8cm
¥550,000- (税込 / including tax)
唐王朝 / Tang Dynasty Period, China
図5. 南京白磁鉢 / Bowl, White porcelain
31.0 / H5.2cm
売約済 / Sold
明末~清初 / late Ming Dynasty or early Qing Dynasty Period, China
図6. 十一代三輪休雪 鬼萩窯変茶碗 / MIWA Kyusetsu XI Tea bowl, Oni-hagi Yohen
14.4 / H10.6cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
売約済 / sold
図7. 荒川豊蔵 志野茶垸 / ARAKAWA Toyozo Tea bowl, Shino
12.6 / H8.3cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥1,500,000- (税込 / including tax)
図8. 八木一夫 粉引茶盌 / YAGI Kazuo Tea bowl, Kohiki
13.8 / H6.6cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥1,500,000- (税込 / including tax)
八木一夫 / YAGI Kazuo
右) R.) 図9. 粉引盃 / Sake cup, Kohiki
8.0 / H4.0cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
売約済 / Sold
左) L.) 図10. 粉引盃 / Sake cup, Kohiki
8.0 / H4.0cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
売約済 / Sold
図11. 塚本快示 白瓷小壷 / TSUKAMOTO Kaiji Small Vessel, White porcelain
8.6 / H11.2cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥200,000- (税込 / including tax)
図12. 塚本快示 白瓷小汲出 / TSUKAMOTO Kaiji A set of 5 tea cups, White porcelain
8.5 / H5.1cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥250,000- (税込 / including tax)
図21. 富本憲吉 白磁小壷 / TOMIMOTO Kenkichi Vessel, White porcelain
7.2 / H6,5cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥1,100,000- (税込 / including tax)
22. 三輪休和 萩ハシキ香合 / MIWA Kyuwa Incense box, Hagi
6.0 / H6.1cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥200,000- (税込 / including tax)
21. 塚本快示 白瓷小碗 / TSUKAMOTO Kaiji Small bowl, White porcelain
9.8 / H3.6cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥600,000- (税込 / including tax)
20. 小山冨士夫 斑唐津大盃 / KOYAMA Fujio Sake-cup, Madara-karatsu
9.5 / 8.8 / H4.5cm
¥180,000- (税込 / including tax)
19. 金重素山 粉引ぐい呑 / KANESHIGE Sozan Sake-cup, Kohiki
※ ご紹介しております中には、ご売約戴いている作品もございます。
※ 作品の詳細等のお問い合わせ、ご予約等はしぶや黒田陶苑までご連絡ください。
電話 :03-3499-3225 E-mail :info@kurodatoen.co.jp