【コレクターのまなざし 鯉江良二展】— Collector’s Eye — Exhibition of KOIE Ryoji
開催期間:2023年3月31日(金) ~ 2023年4月4日(火)Exhibition : March 31 to April 4, 2023
この度、当苑では「コレクターのまなざし 鯉江良二展」を開催する運びとなりました。
【コレクターのまなざし 鯉江良二展】
Exhibition: March 31 to April 4, 2023
図1 土に帰る / Return to Earth
23.2 / 23.0 / H17.7cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
売約済 / Sold
15.7 / 25.0 / H6.0cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
売約済 / Sold
図3 土に還る / Return to Earth
21.0 / 30.0 / H8.0cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
売約済 / Sold
図4 マスク / Mask
29.7 / H7.0cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
売約済 / Sold
図5 カターニア マスク / Catania Mask
17.5 / 25.4 / H7.5cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
売約済 / Sold
図6 土に還る / Return to Earth
37.4 / 39.0 / H11.2cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥300,000- (税込 / including tax)
図7-1 土に還る(五作品) / Return to Earth (Set of Five Works)
29.4-30.4 / 28.8-32.2 /H7.0-10.0cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
売約済 / Sold
図7-2 土に還る(五作品) / Return to Earth (Set of Five Works)
図7-3 土に還る(五作品) / Return to Earth (Set of Five Works)
図7-4 土に還る(五作品) / Return to Earth (Set of Five Works)
図7-5 土に還る(五作品) / Return to Earth (Set of Five Works)
図8 器 / Vessel
14.7 / H7.0cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥300,000- (税込 / including tax)
1960年頃 日本タイルブロック時代
図9 自然釉花入 / Flower Vaes, Ash glazed
25.8 / 25.2 / T10.3cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥500,000- (税込 / including tax)
図10 ぼーる / Ball
19.7 / 18.3 / H18.7cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥600,000- (税込 / including tax)
図11 土の星座 / Constellation
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
ご売約 / Sold
図12 黒陶 / Black
11.2 / 10.8 / H11.8cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥450,000- (税込 / including tax)
図13 盤 / Platter
42.2 / 30.2 / H3.0cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥250,000- (税込 / including tax)
図14 ネタコヲオコス / Aawaking a sleeping child
10.5 / H17.5cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥300,000- (税込 / including tax)
図15 オリベ / Oribe
8.8 / 7.8 / H3.5cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥70,000- (税込 / including tax)
図16 ペツパーウエイト / Paper weight
9.0 / 8.4 / H2.4cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
ご売約 / Sold
図17 ガラス / Glass
13.0 / H15.2cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥180,000- (税込 / including tax)
図18 天竺手陶板 / Platter, Tenjiku-de (made in Tenjiku, Aichi pref.)
15.3 / 14.8 / T2.8cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥120,000- (税込 / including tax)
図19 天竺手陶板 / Platter, Tenjiku-de
16.5 / 19.4 / T3.3cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥120,000- (税込 / including tax)
図20 天竺手皿 / Dish, Tenjiku-de
28.3 / 29.7 / H3.0cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥130,000- (税込 / including tax)
図21 CHERNOBYL 2006
22.7 / 21.8 / H17.5cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥500,000- (税込 / including tax)
図22 スパーク スパーク アーム / Spark Spark Arm
34.0 / 20.0 / H54.5cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
¥2,500,000- (税込 / including tax)
図23 オリベ 私作る人 貴方選ぶ人 / Oribe I am a Potter and You are a Selectee
2.4-5.6 / 10.3-13.7 /T1.7-2.8cm
共箱 / With the box signed by the artist.
ご売約 / Sold
※ ご紹介しております中には、ご売約戴いている作品もございます。
※ 作品の詳細等のお問い合わせ、ご予約等はしぶや黒田陶苑までご連絡ください。
電話 :03-3499-3225 E-mail :info@kurodatoen.co.jp
※ 写真掲載外にも多数出品作品がございます。