【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto

開催期間:2024年7月5日(金) ~ 2024年7月9日(火)Exhibition : July 5 to July 9, 2024
1976年 佐賀県唐津市に生まれる
1994年 アメリカに5年間留学する
2002年 佐賀県立有田窯業大学校を卒業する
2003年 佐賀県立有田窯業大学校嘱託講師として勤務する
2004年 自宅 殿山窯にて作陶を始める
2008年 韓国 蔚山にて6ヶ月作陶する
2015年 割竹式登窯を築窯

1976 Born in Saga.
1994 Studied in the U.S for five years.
2002 Graduated from Arita College of Ceramics, and remained at the college to work as a lecturer.
2004 Started to work at Tonoyama-gama kiln.
2008 Made ceramics for six months in Ulsan, South Korea.
2014 Held his first individual exhibition at Shibuya Kurodatoen.
2015 Built a climbing kiln with sectioned bamboo roof

He has been holding solo exhibitions and joined group exhibitions in various places.
Availability of the artwork should be displayed in the detail section on the exhibition webpage, however please kindly be informed that it may need time to reflect the latest info depending on the congestion situation of the gallery.

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
開催期間:2024年7月5日(金) ~ 2024年7月9日(火)
Exhibition : July 5 to July 9, 2024

No.1(DM)井戸茶碗 / Chawan, Ido

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
15.6 / 14.8 / H7.5cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

No.18 斑唐津茶碗 / Chawan, Madara-karatsu

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
12.0 / H8.0cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

No.19 絵唐津茶碗 / Chawan, E-karatsu

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
10.2 / H8.3cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

No.20 粉引茶碗 / Chawan, Kohiki

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
14.2 / 13.7 / H6.5cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
110,000円(税込 / including tax)

No.2 黒釉茶碗 / Chawan, Black glazed

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
10.7 / H9.6cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
154,000円(税込 / including tax)

No.100 朝鮮唐津花入 / Flower vase, Chosen-karatsu

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
14.0 / 9.9 / H22.7cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
143,000円(税込 / including tax)

No.103 ルリ花入 / Flower vase, Ruri

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
13.0 / H17.8cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
88,000円(税込 / including tax)

No.116 絵唐津花入 / Flower vase, E-karatsu

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
7.1 / H18.8cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
66,000円(税込 / including tax)

No.6 黒釉花入 / Flower vase, Black glazed

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
14.4 / H21.2cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
110,000円(税込 / including tax)

No.106 斑唐津水指 / Water container, Madara-karatsu

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
20.8 / H15.5cm (蓋含まず)
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
176,000円(税込 / including tax)

酒器 / Sakeware

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
No.40 ルリ徳利 / Sake bottle, Ruri
9.2 / H12.3cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

No.61 斑唐津ぐい呑 / Guinomi, Madara-karatsu
8.0 / H3.1cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

酒器 / Sakeware

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
No.34 刷毛目徳利 / Sake bottle, Hakeme
9.5 / H12.1cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
26,400円(税込 / including tax)

No.55 井戸ぐい呑 / Guinomi, Ido
9.1 / H4.0cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
14,300円(税込 / including tax)

No.26 黒釉徳利 / Sake bottle, Black glazed

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
9.3 / H17.3cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
44,000円(税込 / including tax)

酒器 / Sakeware

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
No.72 絵唐津ぐい呑 / Guinomi, E-karatsu
6.1 / H6.7cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

No.77 絵唐津ぐい呑 / Guinomi, E-karatsu
6.6 / H5.0cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
14,300円(税込 / including tax)

酒器 / Sakeware

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
No.8 粉引徳利 / Sake bottle, Kohiki
10.0 / H12.8cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
26,400円(税込 / including tax)

No.50 斑唐津ぐい呑 / Guinomi, Madara-karatsu
6.3 / H4.5cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

酒器 / Sakeware

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
No.28 斑唐津徳利 / Sake bottle, Madara-karatsu
9.8 / H12.4cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
26,400円(税込 / including tax)

No.79 皮鯨ぐい呑 / Guinomi, Kawakujira
7.0 / 7.3 / H5.0cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
16,500円(税込 / including tax)

酒器 / Sakeware

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
No.62 刷毛目ぐい呑 / Guinomi, Hakeme
9.2 / H3.4cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
14,300円(税込 / including tax)

No.49 斑唐津ぐい呑 / Guinomi, Madara-karatsu
8.6 / H3.3cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

酒器 / Sakeware

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
No.33 絵刷毛目徳利 / Sake bottle, E-hakeme
10.3 / H13.6cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
26,400円(税込 / including tax)

No.71 粉引ぐい呑 / Guinomi, Kohiki
6.8 / H4.2cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

酒器 / Sakeware

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
No.36 刷毛目片口 / Bowl with spout, Hakeme
10.8 / 12.0 / H8.1cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
26,400円(税込 / including tax)

No.30 斑唐津片口 / Bowl with spout, Madara-karatsu
14.0 / 11.8 / H6.5cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

No.15(DM) 絵唐津向付五 / A set of 5 dishes, E-karatsu

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
14.8 / 13.0 / H5.4cm
箱無 / No box
49,500円(税込 / including tax)

No.90 絵唐津向付五 / A set of 5 dishes, E-karatsu

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
17.0~17.4 / H4.0cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
60,500円(税込 / including tax)

No.89 朝鮮唐津弓月向付 六 / A set of 6 dishes, Chosen-karatsu

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
18.5~19.0 / 13.0~13.6 / H4.3~4.6cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
77,000円(税込 / including tax)

No.91 絵唐津向付五 / A set of 5 dishes, E-karatsu

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
15.6 / H4.5~5.0cm
箱無 / No box
44,000円(税込 / including tax)

No.99 白瓷向付 六 / A set of 6 dishes, White porcelain

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
9.8 / H6.0~6.4cm
箱無 / No box
38,500円(税込 / including tax)

No.93 刷毛目皿 五 / A set of 5 dishes, Hakeme

【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
13.3 / H3.3~3.6cm
箱無 / No box
38,500円(税込 / including tax)
※ ご紹介しております中には、ご売約戴いている作品もございます。
※ 作品の詳細等のお問い合わせ、ご予約等はしぶや黒田陶苑までご連絡ください。
※Please inquire about availability. items may be sold at the gallery. If you have any inquiries please contact us. 電話 :03-3499-3225  E-mail :info@kurodatoen.co.jp
※ 写真掲載外にも多数出品作品がございます。