【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi

開催期間:2024年7月26日(金) ~ 2024年8月4日(日)Exhibition : July 26 to August 4, 2024
Closed on Aug. 1st Thu.

1960年 佐賀県西松浦郡有田町に生まれる
1978年 佐賀県立有田工業高等学校デザイン科卒業
1982年 水墨画家である金武自然氏に師事
1985年 染付の制作に入る
1995年 東京にて個展開催 以後各地にて個展開催
2004年 米ニューヨークにて海外初個展
2008年 成田国際空港開港30周年記念 


IWANAGA was born in Arita, Saga. After studying design at Arita manufacturing high school and learning landscape painting under Kanetake Jinen, he started making Sometsuke in 1985. In Arita, where division of labor is common, he does everything from selecting materials to making glazes, turning the potter's wheel, casting, painting, and firing by himself. Also, the charm of his painting is undoubtedly one of his greatest assets. As he has been collecting shards of Ko-Imari pottery since he was a child, the subjects of his painting are extremely diverse, ranging from the classic designs of Ko-Imari to designs such as Ko-sometsuke and modern motifs that would go well with Western cuisine. Please enjoy the variety of his artworks with refreshing landscape paintings, fishermen, goldfish, and arabesque patterns, all skillfully painted by the artist.

1960 Born in Arita-cho, Matuura-gun, Saga Prefecture
1978 Studied design at Arita manufacturing high school
1982 Learned drawing under Kanetake Jinen
1985 Started to make under glaze cobalt
1995 Held a solo exhibition throughtout Japan
2004 Held a first solo exhibition in New York
2008 Created the ceramic wall as one of "Japanse Art and Craft works" at Narita Airport. Earned Good Design Award.
Now holds exhibitions all over Japan.

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
開催期間:2024年7月26日(金) ~ 2024年8月4日(日)

Exhibition : July 26 to August 4, 2024
Closed on Aug. 1st Thu.

No9. 葡萄栗鼠文輪花八寸鉢 / Bowl with grape vine and squirrel motif, Foliate rim, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
24.7 / H7.6cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
¥132,000円 (税込 / including tax)

No.72 横縞葡萄文リム八寸鉢 / Bowl with stripes and grapes design, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
26.2 / H6.6cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
88,000円(税込 / including tax)

No.10 芙蓉手洋花文輪花大鉢 / Large bowl wih flower motif, Foliate rim, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
26.6 / H6.0cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

No.27 金魚文八寸銅鑼鉢 / Bowl with gold fish design, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
25.5 / H10.2cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
110,000円(税込 / including tax)

No.15 花弁文八寸皿 / Dish with floral design, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
24.6 / H4.4cm
箱無 / No box
35,200円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock:5客

No.14 雲龍文輪花七寸皿 / Dish with a dragon flying in the clouds, Foliate rim, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
21.4 / H4.5cm
箱無 / No box
39,600円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock:5客

No.13 花唐草文四方七寸皿 / Square dish with arabesque design, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
20.6 / 21.0 / H4.7cm
箱無 / No box
33,000円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock:5客

No.6 花鳥文輪花中皿 / Dish with birds and flowers motif, Foliate rim, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
21.1 / H4.3cm
箱無 / No box
26,400円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock:1客

No.12 芙蓉手牡丹文輪花七寸皿 / Dish with peony design, Foliate rim, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
20.5 / H4.5cm
箱無 / No box
24,200円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock:4客

No.38 花鳥文四方角六寸鉢 / Square bowl with birds and flowers design, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
17.5 / 17.9 / H5.9cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
55,000円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 1客

No.19 兎文菱形向付 / Rhombus dish with rabit design, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
25.5 / 14.9 / H4.9cm
箱無 / No box
33,000円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 3客

No.39 横縞葡萄文桶鉢 / Bowl with grapes and stripes design, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
17.2 / H7.6cm
箱無 / No box
38,500円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 2客

No.33 芙蓉手花鳥文輪花六寸鉢 / Bowl with birds and flowers motif, Foliate rim, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
18.7 / H5.9cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
49,500円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 2客

No.34 花唐草文輪花六寸鉢 / Bowl with arabesque design, Foliate rim, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
18.7 / H6.0cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
49,500円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 2客

No.37 草花捻文輪花六寸鉢 / Bowl with flowers design, Foliate rim, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
18.3 / H5.2cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
44,000円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 2客

No.35 瓔珞花鳥文リム六寸鉢 / Dish with flowers and birds necklace degin, Sometuske

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
18.6 / H6.1cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
44,000円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 2客

皿 / Dishes

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
奥) B) No.24 花鳥文五寸台皿 / Dish with flowers and birds design, Sometsuke
15.3 / H2.1cm
箱無 / No box
売約済 / Sold

前) F) No.23 花鳥外濃文五寸台皿 / Dish with flowers and birds design, Sometsuke
15.5 / H2.9cm
箱無 / No box
16,500円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 4客

No.1 芙蓉手花鳥文輪花向付 / Bowl with birds and flowers motif, Foliate rim, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
16.8 / H5.3cm
箱無 / No box
売約済 / Sold

No.2 花弁文平向付 / Bowl with flower motif, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
16.5 / H6.1cm
箱無 / No box
17,600円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 5客

No.4 松竹梅鳥文向付 / Bowl with pine, bamboo and plum with a bird motif, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
16.2 / H5.0cm
箱無 / No box
17,600円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 3客

No.31 芙蓉手瓢文輪花向付 / Bowl with gourds and flowers design, Foliate rim, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
15.2 / H3.7cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
19,800円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 4客

皿 / Dishes

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
奥) B) No.22 鳳凰丸文五寸皿 / Dish with Phoenix design, Sometsuke
14.6 / H3.5cm
箱無 / No box
8,800円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 5客

前) F) No.21 松竹梅丸文十二角五寸皿 / Dish with pine, bamboo and plum design, Sometsuke
14.5 / H2.6cm
箱無 / No box
13,200円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 5客

No.20 更紗丸文楕円五寸皿 / Oval dish with chintz fabric design, Sometsuke

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
14.3 / 13.6 / H3.8cm
箱無 / No box
13,200円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 1客

酒器 / Sakeware

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
左) L) No.58 蛸唐草文鎬筒片口 / Lipped cup with arabesque and stripe design, Sometsuke
6.0 / H11.0cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

右) R) No.59 葡萄栗鼠文鎬筒片口 / Lipped cup with grape and squarrel design, Sometsuke
6.0 / H11.0cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

酒器 / Sakeware

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
左) L) No.55 岩牡丹文徳利 / Sake bottle with False peyote motif, Sometsuke
8.7 / H10.9cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month

右) R)
No.65 花鳥文鎬筒ぐい吞 / Sake cup, birds and flowers design, Sometsuke
5.2 / H6.4cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month

酒器 / Sakeware

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
左) L) No.76 四君子丸文高台ぐい吞 / Stemmed sake cup, The four gentlemen (plum, chrysanthemum, orchid, and bamboo) design, Sometsuke
6.0 / H8.4cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
27,500円(税込 / including tax)

右) R) No.73 花唐草文高台ぐい吞 / Stemmed sake cup with arabesque design, Sometsuke
5.8 / H8.4cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month

酒器 / Sakeware

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
左) L) No.84 山水図ぐい吞(穴窯) / Sake cup, Landscape design, Sometsuke (Anagama kiln)
5.9 / H6.7cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

右) R) No.81 草花文ぐい吞(穴窯) / Sake cup, flower pattern, Sometsuke (Anagama-kiln)
5.6 / H6.6cm
お箱後日 / with signed box to be made in a month
22,000円(税込 / including tax)

カップ&ソーサ― / cup & saucer

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
左) L) No.41 蛸唐草文カップ&ソーサー / Cup and saucer with arabesque design, Sometsuke
カップ: 11.0 / 9.0 / H7.0cm
ソーサー:15.6 / H3.1cm
箱無 / No box
27,500円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 5客

右) R) No.40 葡萄唐草文カップ&ソーサー / Cup and saucer with grape vine design, Sometsuke
カップ: 10.6 / 8.5 / H7.7cm
ソーサー: 15.5 / H3.0cm
箱無 / No box
27,500円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 5客

猪口 / Cup

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
左) L) No.49 わらび文大猪口 / Cup with Warabi (bracken) motif, Sometsuke
9.0 / H7.5cm
箱無 / No box
売約済 / Sold

右) R) No.45 吉祥文大猪口 / Cup with auspicious omens motif, Sometsuke
8.8 / H7.3cm
箱無 / No box
9,350円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 2客

猪口 / Cup

【岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
左) L) No.42 龍文大猪口 / Cup with dragon design, Sometsuke
9.0 / H7.4cm
箱無 / No box
16,500円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 2客

右) R) No.43 花唐草文大猪口 / Cup with arabesque design, Sometsuke
8.8 / H7.4cm
箱無 / No box
16,500円(税込 / including tax)

※同手作品 / stock: 2客
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※ 写真掲載外にも多数出品作品がございます。
※ Please also note that items may be sold at the gallery. If you have any inquiries please contact us.
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