2025年【大酒器展-2】Exhibition of Tokuri & Guinomi (Part2-present artists)
開催期間:2025年1月17日(金) ~ 2025年1月26日(日)Exhibition : January 17 to January 26, 2025
休業日:1月23日(木) closed on Jan. 23 Thu.
Online catalogue pages are divided into three pages.
□その1/ present artists-1:https://www.kurodatoen.co.jp/exhibition/202501170126-1/
伊藤秀人 内田鋼一 江波冨士子 隠﨑隆一 加藤高宏
加藤亮太郎 金重巖 金重愫 金重有邦 菊池克
小西潮 鈴木都 瀬戸毅己 高力芳照 津田清和
□その2/ present artists-2: ※当ページ
時田早苗 新里明士 長谷川清吉 福永幾夫 堀一郎
正木春藏 松永圭太 升たか 丸田宗彦 丸田宗一廊
丸田雄 見附正康 十三代 三輪休雪 矢野直人 若尾経
□その3巨匠・物故作家 / Grand masters: https://www.kurodatoen.co.jp/exhibition/202501170126-3/
詳細につきましては<大酒器展 出品作品に関するお知らせ>をご覧くださいませ。
会期終了後、巨匠作品のみ京橋 魯卿あんにて展示を行います。
京橋 魯卿あん【酒器特集展】
2025年2月3日(月) ~ 2025年2月15日(土)
ITO Hidehito / UCHIDA Koichi / ENAMI Fujiko / KAKUREZAKI Ryuichi / KATO Takahiro / KATO Ryotaro / KANESHIGE Iwao / KANESHIGE Makoto / KANESHIGE Yuho / KIKUCHI Katsu / KONISHI Ushio / SUZUKI Shu / SETO Takemi / TAKARIKI Yoshiteru / TSUDA Kiyokazu / TOKITA Sanae / NIISATO Akio / HASEGAWA Seikichi / FUKUNAGA Ikuo / HORI Ichiro / MASAKI Shunzo / MATSUNAGA Keita / MASU Taka / MARUTA Munehiko / MARUTA Soichiro / Maruta Yu / MITSUKE Masayasu / MIWA Kyusetsu XIII / YANO Naoto / WAKAO Kei
and more from great masters pieces.
After this exhibition ends, we will exhibit grand masters' pieces at Rokeian.
【Exhibition of Tokuri&Guinomi 】at Rokeian
February. 3 Mon. ~ February. 15 Sat., 2025
*Closed on February 9 Sun. and February 11, Tue
【大酒器展】Exhibition of Tokuri & Guinomi
2025年1月17日(金) ~ 2025年1月26日(日)
Exhibition : January 17 to January 26, 2025
Closed on Jan. 23.
1. 時田早苗 / TOKITA Sanae
L)1. 乾漆卵殻 盃 / Sake cup, Dry lacquer, Egg shell
7.3 / H4.1cm
共箱有 / with a box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold
R)2. 乾漆卵殻 盃 / Sake cup, Dry lacquer, Egg shell
7.3 / H4.1cm
共箱有 / with a box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold
1. 長谷川清吉 / HASEGAWA Seikichi
1. 南鐐虫喰酒盃 / Sake cup, worm-like carvings, Silver
7.7 / 6.1 / H4.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥63,800円(税込 / including tax)
2. 長谷川清吉 / HASEGAWA Seikichi
L)2. 南鐐梨花酒盃 / Sake cup, Flower shape, Silver
7.1 / H4.0cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥58,300円(税込 / including tax)
R)3. 南鐐梨花酒杯 / Sake cup, Flower shape, Silver
5.1 / H3.9cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥58,300円(税込 / including tax)
福永幾夫 / FUKUNAGA Ikuo
1. 色絵細密梟図盃 / Sake cup, Kutani, Owl motif
7.3 / H3.9cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
1. 堀一郎 / HORI Ichiro
L)2. 鼡志野徳利 / Sake bottle, Nezumi-shino
7.4 / H13.3cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥66,000円(税込 / including tax)
R)7. 志野ぐい吞 / Sake cup, Shino
6.2 / H5.6cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
2. 堀一郎 / HORI Ichiro
L)12. 唐津風盃 / Sake cup, Karatsu-style
8.1 / 7.2 / H4.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
R)10. 黄瀬戸盃 / Sake cup, Kiseto
9.2 / 8.8 / H3.5cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥44,000円(税込 / including tax)
1. 正木春蔵 / MASAKI Shunzo
L)1. 色絵染附片口 / Lipped bowl, Overglazed enamels
9.9 / 7.3 / H9.5cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
R)4-3. 呉須赤絵酒呑 / Sake cup, Overglazed enamels
7.7 / H4.3cm
箱無 / no box
¥9,900円(税込 / including tax)
2. 正木春蔵 / MASAKI Shunzo
L)3. 色絵金彩槍梅文徳利 / Sake bottle, Plum motif, Overglazed enamels and gold
7.4 / H13.8cm
箱無 / no box
¥19,800円(税込 / including tax)
R) 5-1. 色絵染附牡丹文八角酒呑 / Sake cup, Octagonal shape, Camellia motif, Overglazed enamels
7.1 / H4.3cm
箱無 / no box
¥11,000円(税込 / including tax)
1. 松永圭太 / MATSUNAGA Keita
L)6. 繭盃 / Sake cup, Cocoon
7.1 / 5.3 / H4.9cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥17,600円(税込 / including tax)
R)8. 繭盃 / Sake cup, Cocoon
7.0 / 5.3 / H5.0cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥17,600円(税込 / including tax)
2. 松永圭太 / MATSUNAGA Keita
L)3. 繭盃 / Sake cup, Cocoon
6.0 / H5.6cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
R)1. 木の葉 / Sake cup, Leaf
7.7 / H3.2cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥16,500円(税込 / including tax)
1. 升たか / MASU Taka
L)8. 印度更紗文杯 / Sake cup, Indian Chintz design
10.9 / H8.2cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
R)10. 印度更紗文杯 / Sake cup, Indian Chintz design
6.0 / H5.9cm
箱無 / no box
¥35,200円(税込 / including tax)
2. 升たか / MASU Taka
L)1. ペルシャ眠娘文杯 / Sake cup, Perician sleeping beauty motif
6.3 / H5.5cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
R)3. 百鹿文杯 / Sake cup, Deer design
6.1 / H5.1cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
1. 丸田宗彦 / MARUTA Munehiko
L)2. 絵唐津徳利 / Sake bottle, E-karatsu
8.6 / H12.1cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥46,200円(税込 / including tax)
R)8. 刷毛目沓ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Brush marks, Gourd shape
7.6 / 6.4 / H4.7cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥33,000円(税込 / including tax)
2. 丸田宗彦 / MARUTA Munehiko
L)3. 絵唐津徳利 / Sake bottle, E-karatsu
9.4 / H9.3cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
R)7. 粉引窯変ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Kohiki, Yohen
6.4 / H5.1cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥35,200円(税込 / including tax)
1. 丸田宗一廊 / MARUTA Soichiro
L)1. 染つけ面取徳利 / Sake bottle, Sometsuke, Faceted
9.5 / H11.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥22,000円(税込 / including tax)
R)10. 染つけ盃 / Sake cup, Sometsuke
6.0 / H3.2cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
2. 丸田宗一廊 / MARUTA Soichiro
L)2. 染つけ角徳利 / Sake bottle, Sometsuke
5.7 / H12.8cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥22,000円(税込 / including tax)
R)9. 染つけ六角盃 / Sake cup, Hexagonal shape, Sometsuke
5.2 / H4.6cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥14,300円(税込 / including tax)
1. 丸田雄 / MARUTA Yu
L)1. 白壷片口 / Lipped white vessel
13.8 / 11.6 / H8.0cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
R)9. 唐津窯変酒觴 / Sake cup, Karatsu, Yohen
6.7 / H5.0cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥14,300円(税込 / including tax)
2. 丸田雄 / MARUTA Yu
L)11. 絵唐津酒觴 / Sake cup, E-karatsu
7.3 / 6.0 / H4.9cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
R)6. 唐津酒觴 / Sake cup, Karatsu
7.2 / H4.6cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥14,300円(税込 / including tax)
1. 十三代 三輪休雪 / MIWA Kyusetsu XIII
L)6. 福盃 / Sake cup, "Fuku"
9.0 / H6.8cm
共箱有 / with a box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold
R)1. 淵淵盃 / Sake cup, "En-en"
9.2 / 8.9 / H5.8cm
共箱有 / with a box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold
2. 十三代 三輪休雪 / MIWA Kyusetsu XIII
L)4. 淵淵盃 / Sake cup, "En-en"
6.2 / H9.6cm
共箱有 / with a box signed by the artist
¥110,000円(税込 / including tax)
R)9. 寧盃 / Sake cup, "Nei"
11.8 / 11.2 / H6.1cm
共箱有 / with a box signed by the artist
¥110,000円(税込 / including tax)
1. 矢野直人 / YANO Naoto
L)4. 絵唐津ぐい呑 / Sake cup, E-karatsu
6.9 / H5.1cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥14,300円(税込 / including tax)
R)10. 刷毛目ぐい呑 / Sake cup with brush marks
8.2 / H3.7cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥13,200円(税込 / including tax)
2. 矢野直人 / YANO Naoto
L)1. 斑唐津ぐい呑 / Sake cuo, Madara-karatsu
7.0 / 6.6 / H5.6cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
R)5. 皮鯨ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Kawakujira
7.2 / H4.9cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥14,300円(税込 / including tax)
1. 若尾経 / WAKAO Kei
L)5. 練込象牙瓷ぐい呑(緑)/ Sake cup, Ivory colored with green foil, Marbled Clay
7.4 / H6.6cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥44,000円(税込 / including tax)
R)3. 練込象牙瓷ぐい呑(赤)/ Sake cup, Ivory colored with red foil, Marbled Clay
7.5 / 6.6 / H6.5cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥44,000円(税込 / including tax)
2. 若尾経 / WAKAO Kei
L)4. 練込象牙瓷ぐい呑(青)/ Sake cup, Ivory colored with blue foil, Marbled Clay
7.2 / 6.7 / H6.7cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥44,000円(税込 / including tax)
R)2. 練込象牙瓷ぐい呑(金)/ Sake cup, Ivory colored with gold foil, Marbled Clay
7.4 / 6.7 / H6.7cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥44,000円(税込 / including tax)
1. 新里明士 / NIISATO Akio
L)1-1. 光器 撓盃 / Luminescent Vessel (sake cup)
7.8 / 7.3 / H6.3cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
R)1-2. 光器 撓盃 / Luminescent Vessel (sake cup)
8.2 / 7.1 / H5.5cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
2. 新里明士 / NIISATO Akio
L)2-1. 光器 輪花盃 / Luminescent Vessel (sake cup)
8.7 / 8.3 / H4.9cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
R)2-2. 光器 輪花盃 / Luminescent Vessel (sake cup)
8.5 / 8.3 / H5.0cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
1. 見附正康 / MITSUKE Masayasu
L)1. 赤絵細描花紋片口 / Lipped bowl, Akae, Floral design
11.6 / 9.6/ H6.5cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥176,000円(税込 / including tax)
R)2. 赤絵細描瓔珞紋盃 / Sake cup, Akae, Necklace patterns
6.8 / H4.0cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥88,000円(税込 / including tax)
2. 見附正康 / MITSUKE Masayasu
3. 赤絵細描羽紋平盃 / Sake cup, Akae, Feather pattern
7.7 / H2.8cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥110,000円(税込 / including tax)
※If you have any inquiries, please contact us from below email address.
TEL:03-3499-3225 E-mail :info@kurodatoen.co.jp