【梶原靖元展】Exhibition of KAJIHARA Yasumoto
開催期間:2025年1月31日(金) ~ 2025年2月4日(火)Exhibition : January 31 to February 4, 2025
在廊予定: 1月31日(金)〜2月2日(日)
【梶原靖元展】Exhibition of KAJIHARA Yasumoto
開催期間:2025年1月31日(金) ~ 2025年2月4日(火)
Exhibition : January 31 to February 4, 2025
19. 急須 / Teapot
9.6 / 11.0 / H5.4cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
152. 焼締メ 急須 / Teapot
10.0 / 11.8 / H5.9cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
20. 急須 / Teapot
8.5 / 11.0 / H7.1cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
煎茶道具 / Sencha utensils
118. ボーフラ / Kettle, Earthenware
10.8 / 8.8 / H11.2cm
箱無 / no box
33,000 円(税込 / including tax)
12. 涼炉 / Ryoro (Tea stove)
炉: 9.4 / H14.2cm 台: 12.0 / H1.0cm
箱無 / no box
44,000 円(税込 / including tax)
煎茶道具 / Sencha utensils
16. ボーフラ / Kettle, Earthenware
10.2 / 11.2 / H5.9cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
93.涼炉(灯火器付)/ A set of Ryoro (tea stove) and Light plate with foot
炉:9.8 / H12.0cm 台:13.8 / 13.1 / H1.2cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
煎茶道具 / Sencha utensils
18. 急須 / Teapot
9.4 / 7.2 / H9.8cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
34. 黒釉茶杯 / Tea cup, Black glazed
4.2 / H3.8cm
箱無 / no box
11,000 円(税込 / including tax)
17. 急須 / Teapot
7.7 / 8.3 / H3.5cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
21. 祥瑞蓋碗 / Lidded cup with saucer, Sometsuke
7.5 / H6.7cm (蓋含む) 皿: 9.5 / H2.1cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
蓋碗 / Lidded cup with saucer
150. 蓋碗 /
7.1 / H7.1cm (蓋含む) 皿: 8.0 / H1.9cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
149. 蓋碗 / Lidded cup with saucer
7.1 / 6.8 / H7.3cm (蓋含む) 皿: 7.2 / H2.0cm
箱無 / no box
22,000 円(税込 / including tax)
茶杯 / Tea cup and saucer
27. 茶杯 / Tea cup and saucer
3.1 / H5.6 皿: 6.2 / H1.6cm
箱無 / no box
11,000 円(税込 / including tax)
26. 茶杯 / Tea cup and saucer
3.6 / H4.9cm 皿: 5.9 / H1.7cm
箱無 / no box
11,000 円(税込 / including tax)
一客 ¥11,000(税込 / including tax) 残:4客
91. 湯飲 / Tea cup
7.3 / H9.1cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
105. 黒高麗梅瓶 / Meiping, Kuro-korai
11.3 / H21.9cm
箱無 / no box
88,000円(税込 / including tax)
5. 水壷 / Water jar
14.2 / H13.4cm(蓋含む)
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
107. 黒徳利 / Sake bottle, Black
7.8 / 7.5 / H9.5cm
箱無 / no box
15,400 円(税込 / including tax)
盃 / Sake cup
64. 小十土 堅手盃 / Sake cup, Kata-de, Koju-clay (clay from around the Koju-kanja gama kiln)
8.5 / H4.4cm
共箱 / With a box signed by the artist
17,600円(税込 / including tax)
65. 小十土 堅手盃 / Sake cup, Kata-de, Koju-clay (clay from around the Koju-kanja gama kiln)
7.6 / H5.0cm
共箱 / With a box signed by the artist
17,600円(税込 / including tax)
盃 / Sake cup
78. 小十土 出豹盃 / Sake cup, Irabo, Koju-clay (clay from around the Koju-kanja gama kiln)
9.9 / 9.4 / H3.7cm
共箱 / With a box signed by the artist
売約済 / Sold
43. 天徳土盃 / Sake cup, Tentoku clay
9.9 / 9.5 / H3.6cm
共箱 / With a box signed by the artist
15,400円(税込 / including tax)
盃 / Sake cup
56. 出豹盃 / Sake cup, Irabo
7.9 / H3.4cm
共箱 / With a box signed by the artist
16,500 円(税込 / including tax)
40. 珠洲黒釉平盃 / Sake cup, Suzu-kuro
8.0 / H2.1cm
共箱 / With a box signed by the artist
16,500 円(税込 / including tax)
酒器 / Sakeware
106. 那須黒徳利 / Sake bottle, Nasu clay, Black
7.8 / H10.0cm
箱無 / no box
22,000 円(税込 / including tax)
71. 土器 海砂盃 / Sake cup, Sea sand, Earthenware
5.0 / H3.6cm
共箱 / With a box signed by the artist
15,400円(税込 / including tax)
酒器 / Sake ware
83. 出豹 大海盃 / Large sake cup, Irabo
11.8 / 11.4 / H3.6cm
箱無 / no box
11,000円(税込 / including tax)
80. 出豹 大海盃 / Large sake cup, Irabo
10.6 / 10.2 / H4.0cm
箱無 / no box
11,000円(税込 / including tax)
染付四方鉢 / Square bowl, Sometsuke
95. 染付四方鉢 / Square bowl, Sometsuke
23.0 / 10.5 / H3.4cm
箱無 / no box
27,500 円(税込 / including tax)
96. 染付四方鉢 / Square bowl, Sometsuke
23.0 / 10.2 / H3.1cm
箱無 / no box
27,500 円(税込 / including tax)
110. 片口 / Lipped bowl
11.8 / 13.6 / H5.7cm
箱無 / no box
15,400 円(税込 / including tax)
素瓷蓮弁 / Dish, Lotus leaf shape, White porcelain
53. 素瓷蓮弁 / Dish, Lotus leaf shape, White porcelain
14.6 / 6.8 / H3.5cm
箱無 / no box
7,700円(税込 / including tax)
52. 素瓷蓮弁 / Dish, Lotus leaf shape, White porcelain
12.8 / 6.5 / H4.0cm
箱無 / no box
7,700円(税込 / including tax)
50. 素瓷蓮弁 / Dish, Lotus leaf shape, White porcelain
13.1 / 6.5 / H2.8cm
箱無 / no box
7,700円(税込 / including tax)
129. 陶胎染付碗 / Lidded bowl, Sometsuke
11.5 / 10.9 / H5.2cm
箱無 / no box
13,200 円(税込 / including tax)
刷毛目皿 / Plate with brush painting
97. 刷毛目皿 / Plate with brush painting
13.6 / H2.7cm
箱無 / no box
6,600 円(税込 / including tax)
98. 刷毛目皿 / Plate with brush painting
12.8 / 12.4 / H3.3cm
箱無 / no box
6,600 円(税込 / including tax)
99. 刷毛目皿 / Plate with brush painting
12.0 / H3.1cm
箱無 / no box
6,600 円(税込 / including tax)
125. 灯火器 / Light plate with foot
6.4 / H5.5cm
箱無 / no box
11,000円(税込 / including tax)
※ 作品の詳細等のお問い合わせ、ご予約等はしぶや黒田陶苑までご連絡ください。
※ These items on the page are available for reservation. If you have any inquiries, please contact us from below email address.
電話 :03-3499-3225 E-mail :info@kurodatoen.co.jp