【鈴木都作陶展】Exhibition of SUZUKI Shu
開催期間:2025年2月7日(金) ~ 2025年2月11日(火)Exhibition : February 7 to February 11, 2025
1984年 東京生まれ
1990年代 土を掘りはじめる
1997年 美濃古窯跡を訪ねる
2010年 瀬戸に居を移す
2011年 愛知県立窯業高等技術専門校修了
2015年 郷之木古窯の地へ移る
2017年 しぶや黒田陶苑にて個展
2019年以降毎年 しぶや黒田陶苑にて個展
2021年 地上式穴窯を築窯
※This exhibiton has been closed. Please contact us for availability.
1984 Born in Tokyo
1990s Began to dig clays himself for his works
1997 Began to research old kilns in Mino area
2010 Moved to Seto, Aichi
2011 Studied Pottery at Aichi Technical Training School
2015 Moved to Gonoki old kiln site in Toki, Gifu
2021 Build a anagama-kiln himself
2017 First solo exhibition at Shibuya Kurodatoen, and annually since 2019
【鈴木都作陶展】Exhibition of SUZUKI Shu
開催期間:2025年2月7日(金) ~ 2025年2月11日(火)
Exhibition : February 7 to February 11, 2025
8. 黒鐡志野茶碗 / Tea bowl, Kurogane (Iron black) shino
13.0 / H8.5cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥176,000(税込 / including tax)
13. 赤銅志野茶碗 / Tea bowl, Akagane (red copper color) shino
14.6 / 14.2 / H8.9cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
20. 黄瀬戸茶碗 / Tea bowl, Kiseto
12.8 / H8.3cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
18. 志野茶碗 / Tea bowl, Shino
12.7 / H8.7cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥165,000(税込 / including tax)
17. 赤志野輪花茶碗 / Tea bowl, Pinched rim, Aka shino
12.8 / H8.5cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
118. 灰釉瓶子 / Vase, Ash glaze
16.4 / H25.1cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥132,000(税込 / including tax)
7 (DM). 白瓷短頸壺 / Storage jar, Ash glaze
16.2 / H12.8cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥88,000(税込 / including tax)
61. 紫志野茶入 / Tea caddy, Murasaki shino
6.8 / H10.8cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥49,500(税込 / including tax)
酒器 / Sake ware
3. 赤銅志野徳利 / Sake bottle, Akagane (red copper color) shino
9.5 / H15.1cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
36. 赤銅志野ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Akagane (red copper color) shino
7.3 / H4.9cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
徳利 / Sake bottle
89. 黒鐡志野徳利 / Sake bottle, Kurogane (Iron black) shino
9.2 / H13.6cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
94. 赤銅志野徳利 / Sake bottle, Akagane (red copper color) shino
9.4 / H12.7cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥31,900(税込 / including tax)
酒器 / Sake ware
41. 紫志野ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Murasaki shino
7.0 / H5.3cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
45. 赤志野ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Aka shino
7.2 / 6.6 / H4.9cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
¥18,700(税込 / including tax)
酒器 / Sake ware
85. 赤銅志野片口 / Lipped bowl, Akagane (red copper color) shino
12.0 / 9.2 / H9.2cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
39. 鼠志野ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Nezumi shino
7.4 / H5.3cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
酒器 / Sake ware
48. 志野ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Shino
7.0 / 6.8 / H4.7cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
46. 赤志野ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Aka shino
6.8 / H4.5cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
酒器 / Sake ware
84. 黒鐡志野片口 / Lipped bowl, Kurogane (Iron black) shino
15.2 / 10.8 / H7.9cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
51. 黄瀬戸柿の蔕盃 / Sake cup, Kaki no heta, Kiseto
9.7 / H4.1cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
酒器 / Sake ware
83. 黒鐡志野片口 / Lipped bowl, Kurogane (Iron black) shino
11.1 / 8.5 / H9.9cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
35. 赤銅志野ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Akagane (red copper color) shino
7.6 / 6.8 / H4.8cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
鼠志野丸皿 / Dish, Nezumi shino
102. 鼠志野丸皿 / Dish, Nezumi shino
18.8 / H1.9cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
104. 鼠志野丸皿 / Dish, Nezumi shino
18.4 / H2.2cm
箱無 / no box
¥11,000(税込 / including tax)
stock: Available
鼠志野四方向付 / Square dish, Nezumi shino
55. 鼠志野四方向付 / Square dish, Nezumi shino
16.5 / 14.8 / H5.5cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
58.鼠志野四方向付 / Square dish, Nezumi shino
16.2 / 14.4 / H5.4cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
stock: Available
各 ¥11,000 (税込 / including tax) each
白瓷段皿 / Dish, Ash glaze
116. 白瓷段皿 / Dish, Ash glaze
16.8 / H2.5cm
箱無 / no box
¥8,250(税込 / including tax)
112. 白瓷段皿 / Dish, Ash glaze
16.8 / H2.8cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold
黄瀬戸六角向付 / Hexagonal bowl, Kiseto
109. 黄瀬戸六角向付 / Hexagonal bowl, Kiseto
9.0 / 8.4 / H6.1cm
箱無 / no box
¥7,150(税込 / including tax)
106. 黄瀬戸六角向付 / Hexagonal bowl, Kiseto
8.9 / 8.3 / H6.2cm
箱無 / no box
¥7,150(税込 / including tax)
湯呑 / Tea cup
72. 赤志野湯呑 / Tea cup, Aka shino
8.2 / H8.6cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
74. 赤志野湯呑 / Tea cup, Aka shino
7.8 / H8.4cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
※同手作品ございます ¥16,500(税込 / including tax)
湯呑 / Tea cup
70. 赤銅志野湯呑 / Tea cup, Akagane (red copper color) shino
7.5 / H8.0cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
80. 赤銅志野湯呑 / Tea cup, Akagane (red copper color) shino
7.6 / H8.0cm
箱後日 / with a box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
*This exhibition was closed. For availability, Please contact us from below email address.
電話 :03-3499-3225 E-mail :info@kurodatoen.co.jp