【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi

開催期間:2025年2月14日(金) ~ 2025年2月18日(火)Exhibition : February 14 to February 18, 2025
陶芸の原点は「迫力ある原始的なもの」だと、売名行為を図ることをよしとしない浜本洋好先生。15年間、唐津焼の窯元で修業されているが、30歳の頃、初期唐津の斑唐津に惚れて、岸岳周辺の古窯址を入念に発掘調査された。 ここで唐津焼に適した粘土を掘って、窯元へ売って独立資金を稼がれた。 頑固一徹な信念を曲げることなく清貧を苦にせず、豊かな陶土の岸岳に対座して、この道を歩む独立を決心された。

The essence of pottery should be primitive and instinctive, emerged from powerful energy, says HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi, who is uncompromising Karatsu artisan who is far from a publicity stunt.Strongly captivated by Karatsu produced in the early era(ko-karatsu), he studied and trained for fifteen years in his thirties.

He researched around old kilns site of Mt. Kishidake in Karatsu. Committing himself fully to his craft in the clay-rich environment of Kishidake, where the clay has great potential of inspiration, he decided to follow his own way. Among Momoyama-era ceramics, early Madara Karatsu stands out for its profound depth.It possesses a delicate translucency yet exudes a remarkable richness—a testament to the seamless fusion of clay, glaze, and fire. Hamamoto, devoted to the original essence of this style, works tirelessly with these elements, handling even the most labor-intensive tasks himself, from clay preparation to the meticulous production of straw ash for glazing.

He continued extensive researches on the clay deposits around Mt. Kishidake, identifying fire-resistant sand-rich clay with the help of construction workers and farmers. He did his relentless effort to obtain premium clay—He even went into debt to buy 40 tons when high quality clay is available, and at least 10 tons of the clay even when small amount of high quality clay is available. Most of these clays are just suitable for creating Madara-karatsu. Other than these, he also obtained white clay from Takeo for E-karatsu, as well as the clay that contains rich-iron clay of Fuji no kawa old-kiln for Chosen karatsu.

He fires at 1400 Celsius with so called Waritake Kiln that was made himself fourty-three years ago, and only one that is full-scale genuine kiln around Karatsu area. Because this type of kiln was originally used during the early period of Momoyama era, and the flow of fire plays unpredictable and uncontrollable. However, this crucial fire of 1400 degree gives blessing results to his glaze, just like a blessings of human artistry and the forces of nature.
“No pride, no life” he tells strongly, struggling against clay and fire.
We are glad to offer the chance to look at his specialty, and enjoy the beauty of pottery.

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
開催期間:2025年2月14日(金) ~ 2025年2月18日(火)
Exhibition : February 14 to February 18, 2025

69. 斑唐津茶盌 / Tea bowl, Madara-karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
12.1 / H7.0cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

70. 斑唐津茶碗 / Tea bowl, Madara-karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
12.6 / 12.0 / H7.5cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥220,000円(税込 / including tax)

5. 朝鮮唐津茶盌 / Tea bowl, Chosen-karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
12.2 / H7.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥198,000円(税込 / including tax)

3. 唐津茶碗 / Tea bowl, Karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
12.6 / H7.9cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

193. 斑唐津茶碗 / Tea bowl, Madara-karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
13.7 / H6.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥198,000円(税込 / including tax)

19. 朝鮮唐津花入 / Flower vase, Chosen-karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
16.4 / 12.4 / H22.8cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

152. 斑唐津小壺 / Vessel, Madara-karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
17.9 / H13.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥55,000円(税込 / including tax)

100. 斑唐津花入 / Flower vase, Madara-karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
9.1 / H21.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥55,000円(税込 / including tax)

84. 斑唐津鉢 / Bowl, Madara-karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
24.7 / 23.8 / H7.7cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥44,000円(税込 / including tax)

191. 絵唐津丸陶皿五客 / A set of 5 plates, E-karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
21.6 / H1.0cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

89. 斑唐津皿 / Dish, Madara-Karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
21.9 / H4.8cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

38. 斑唐津向付五客 / A set of 5 dishes, Madara-Karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
10.9 / H6.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

34. 無地唐津向付五客 / A set of 5 dishes, Karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
14.5 / H5.6cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

41. 斑唐津向付五客 / A set of 5 dishes, Madara-Karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
15.0 / H5.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥38,500円(税込 / including tax)

59. 斑唐津皿五客 / A set of 5 dishes, Madara-Karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
15.0 / 14.6 / H4.5cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥38,500円(税込 / including tax)

81. 足付陶皿五客 / A set of 5 dishes, double glazed

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
11.6 / H3.3cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥27,500円(税込 / including tax)

12. 斑唐津皿五客 / A set of 5 dishes, Madara-Karatsu

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
12.2 / H3.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥27,500円(税込 / including tax)

酒器 / Sakeware

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
103. 斑唐津片口 / Lipped bowl, Madara-karatsu
10.5 / 7.8 / H9.5cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥22,000円(税込 / including tax)

23. 斑唐津ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Madara-karatsu
7.7 / H3.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

ぐい呑 / Sake cup

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
176. 斑唐津ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Madara-karatsu
7.3 / H5.5cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

188. 朝鮮唐津ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Chosen-karatsu
6.6 / H5.8cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥22,000円(税込 / including tax)

ぐい呑 / Sake cup

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
161. 無地唐津ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Karatsu
6.8 / H6.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済/ Sold

26. 斑唐津ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Madara-karatsu
7.1 / H5.6cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

徳利 / Sake bottle

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
18. 朝鮮唐津徳利 / Sake bottle, Chosen-karatsu
8.1 / H11.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥33,000円(税込 / including tax)

97. 斑唐津徳利 / Sake bottle, Madara-karatsu
7.9 / H11.0cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥27,500円(税込 / including tax)

ぐい呑 / Sake cup

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
179. 斑唐津ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Madara-karatsu
7.6 / H6.0cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥22,000円(税込 / including tax)

180. 斑唐津ぐい呑 / Sake cup, Madara-karatsu
7.0 / H5.9cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥22,000円(税込 / including tax)

湯呑 / Tea cups

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
114. 斑唐津湯呑 / Tea cup, Madara-karatsu
8.0 / H9.5cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

117. かけわけ湯呑 / Tea cup, double glazed
7.4 / H9.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

湯呑 / Tea cups

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
134. 斑唐津湯呑 / Tea cup, Madara-karatsu
7.5 / H8.8cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold

126. 朝鮮唐津湯呑 / Tea cup, Chosen-karatsu
7.3 / H8.0cm
箱無 / no box
売約済 / Sold

カップ / Cups

【唐津 浜本洋好展】Exhibition of HAMAMOTO Hiroyoshi
108. 斑唐津マグカップ / Cup, Madara-karatsu
11.9 / 9.0 / H9.0cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold

111. 斑唐津マグカップ(小) / Cup, Madara-karatsu
9.3 / 7.1 / H6.7cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
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