【大塚茂吉 あわいのかたち】Mokichi OTSUKA Forms of “Awai”
開催期間:2025年3月14日(金) ~ 2025年3月18日(火)Exhibition : March 14 to March 18, 2025
岡本太郎は「形でない形 色でない色を打ち出すべきだ」と言った。
Forms of “Awai"
Life and death, good and evil, self and other, this world is made up of two opposing things.
Dualism still sustains our world.
However, between the opposites, there is a kind of fluctuation that cannot be fixed, such as a boundary between things and things that cannot be grasped by dualism. In Japan, we call this realm that cannot be captured by dualism, "Awai."
Since ancient times, it has been said there is an “Awai" between things, between this world and another world .
The En-gawa(*) can be said as “Awai” of Japanese architecture, where serves as a seamless bridge between outside and inside the house.
Taro Okamoto said “Form not form, color not color".
Taro must have used such a phrase to describe the “Awai” between spirit and matter.
I would like to seek the “Awai”, the phase in which two different things are not in conflict or divided, but are loosely connected, fluctuating, and changing within something greater.
Mokichi OTSUKA
(*)The En-gawa, a wooden corridor installed in the sunny side in traditional Japanese houses.
When sliding windows are open, it can also be used as a bench to sit and chat, or as a relaxing space to casually communicate with neighbors.
【大塚茂吉 あわいのかたち】Mokichi OTSUKA "Forms of "Awai"
開催期間:2025年3月14日(金) ~ 2025年3月18日(火)
Exhibition : March 14 to March 18, 2025
1. 夜の形 / Shape of the Night
F60号 97.0 / 130.3cm
売約済 / Sold
2. 暮れ合い / Crepuscolo
F50号 91.0 / 116.7cm
¥1,100,000(税込 / including tax)
3. 夜の遺跡 / Ruins in the Night
F50号 91.0 / 116.7cm
¥1,100,000(税込 / including tax)
4. 月の精 / Spirit of the Moon
F60号 97.0 / 130.3cm
¥1,320,000(税込 / including tax)
5. 暮秋 / Late Fall
F8号 38.0 / 45.5cm
売約済 / Sold
6. エスキース / Esquisse
7. 茶碗 / Tea bowl
11.3 / H9.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
8. 茶碗 / Tea bowl
12.0 / 11.6 / H10.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
9. 茶碗 / Tea bowl
12.0 / H10.2cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
10. 茶碗 / Tea bowl
11.6 / H8.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
¥165,000(税込 / including tax)
11. 茶碗 / Tea bowl
11.8 / 11.4 / H8.9cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
12. 茶碗 / Tea bowl
11.8 / H9.4cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
13. 茶碗 / Tea bowl
12.2 / 11.8 / H9.8cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
14. 茶碗 / Tea bowl
13.4 / 13.2 / H9.5cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
15. 宙 / Artwork, Cosmic
37.0 / 28.2 / H26.2cm
箱後日 / with a signed box to be made in a month
売約済 / Sold
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※ These items on the page are available for reservation. If you have any inquiries, please contact us from below email address.
電話 :03-3499-3225 E-mail :info@kurodatoen.co.jp