【染付 岩永浩展】Exhibition of IWANAGA Hiroshi
2020年7月10日(金) ~ 7月14日(火)Exhibition : July 10 to July 14, 2020
【唐津 矢野直人展】Exhibition of YANO Naoto
2020年6月15日(月) ~ 6月20日(土)Exhibition : June 15 to June 20, 2020
*Please note Monday is the first day of this exhibition.
*The schedule is subject to change depending on the policy of Japan government.
*Please note Monday is the first day of this exhibition.
*The schedule is subject to change depending on the policy of Japan government.
【織部 小山智徳展】Exhibition of KOYAMA Tomonori
2020年6月8日(月) ~ 6月13日(土)Exhibition : June 8 to June 13, 2020
*Please note Monday is the first day of this exhibition.
*The schedule is subject to change depending on the policy of Japan government.
*Please note Monday is the first day of this exhibition.
*The schedule is subject to change depending on the policy of Japan government.
【作陶四十周年 唐津 丸田宗彦展】Exhibition of MARUTA Munehiko
2020年5月29日(金) ~ 6月2日(火)Exhibition : May 29 to June 2, 2020
オンライン展示会【魯山人と古美術】Online Exhibition “Rosanjin and Antiques”
2020年5月22日(金) ~ 6月30日(火)Exhibition : May 22 to June 30, 2020
【硝子 益田芳徳展】Exhibition of MASUDA Yoshinori
2020年3月20日(金) ~ 3月24日(火)Exhibition : March 20 to March 24, 2020