Box -
共箱 鵬雲斎銘
with box signed by the artist, named by Hounsai (the 15th head of Ura-senke school) -
Size - 13.2 / 12.4 / H8.5㎝
売約済 / Sold
「[特別展] 金重陶陽 ―生誕 100 年記念―」 出品作品 岡山県立美術館他(1996)
『人間国宝の技と美 陶芸名品集成 第一巻』 所載作品 講談社(2003)
Exhibited in Special Exhinition of KANESHIGE Toyo: Celebrating 100th Anniversary of the Birth, Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art and others, 1996
Listed in The techniques and Beauty: A Collected Works of Master Pieces of Ceramics vol.1, Kodansha, 2003